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    Новое коллекционное издание от Bauer Media и Hachette Collections - линкор Bismarck

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     Модель с точностью воспроизводит оригинальный корабль в масштабе 1:200.

    Размер модели 1 м. 25 см в длину и 18 см. в ширину.

    На модели «Бисмарка» можно установить двигатель и аппаратуру для радиоуправления!

    • Корпус и киль – берёзовая фанера
    • Двойная обшивка корпуса
    • Палубы – специальная лазерная резка
    • Планки палубного настила – липовая древесина, лазерная резка для получения тонкой обшивки
    • Металлические элементы – литье под давлением
    • Белый метал
    • Элементы из латуни или альпака изготовлены методом фототравления
    • Металлическая, латунная и медная проволока
    • Черновая штамповка алюминиевых и медных элементов, несколько элементов из пластмассы
    • Бисмарк – уникальная модель знаменитого линкора, которая воспроизведена до мельчайших деталей на основании оригинальных немецких планов. Элементы изготовлены известной среди моделистов итальянской фирмой Амати из Турина. Каждую неделю, в каждом номере - журнал и детали для сборки.

    • Коллекция «Бисмарк» была создана и выпущена в 2006 году и с тех пор пользуется успехом в разных странах: Франции, Великобритании, Испании, Италии, Польше, Голландии, Австрии, Бельгии. Десять миллионов выпусков Бисмарка уже продано в мире!

    Эта коллекция пользуется огромным успехом в десяти странах. Теперь она доступна и в России.

    Официальный сайт Hachette Collections   www.hachette-collections.com
    Официальный сайт Bauer Media  www.bauermedia.co.uk
    Официальный российский сайт Bauer Media www.bauerrussia.ru

    Вопреки ожиданиям моделистов, компания OOO "Hachette Collection"  еще в 2008 году зарегистрировала на себя сайт bismarck-ship.ru, но не разместила там никакого сайта.

    Внимание: Модель Бисмарка находится не в одном журнале. Особенность серии состоит в том, что вы должны купить модель линкора частями. Купив первый номер журнала, вы начинаете постройку, и далее покупаете следующие номера, что бы продолжать работу. В связи с этим, некоторые номера журнала становятся дефицитом, образуются сообщества, где моделисты помогают друг другу искать выпуски бисмарка.

     Многие считают, что такая система - им не подойдет. Решите для себя заранее, готовы ли вы искать номера Бисмарка в продаже. Впрочем, в интернете тоже можно найти чертежи Бисмарка и осуществлять сборку самостоятельно. Но этот путь более хлопотный, ведь в комплекте с журналом идет специальная, точно вырезанная фанера.

    Кто поможет в сборке Бисмарка

    • Сайт, объединяющий моделистов, собирающих линкор Бисмарк - model-bismark.spb.ru
    • Еще один очень подробный форум по Бисмарку www.shipmodeling.ru/phpbb/viewforum.php?f=25 
    • Еще один клуб любителей http://model-bismark.ru/
    • Один зарубежный моделист собирает Бисмарк, и подробно фотографирует и описывает весь процесс www.modelboatmayhem.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=4024.0

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    Где купить или заказать

    Где купить Бисмарк: в журнальных киосках, в книжных и канцелярских магазинах. Список довольно большой, приводить его нет смысла.

    Заказать Бисмарк:  Готовые модели не продаются.

    Выпуски Бисмарка

    Тип издания: Энциклопедическая коллекция
    Периодичность: Еженедельно, 140 номеров
    Тематика: «БИСМАРК». Каждый номер содержит статьи об истории, операциях, сражениях и войнах на море. Собранные все вместе номера создадут книгу – богато иллюстрированное пособие по истории военно-морского флота. К каждому номеру коллекции прилагаются элементы модели вместе с инструкцией по сборке.
    Формат журнала:    А4, 220 x 285 мм
    Содержание: В каждом номере - журнал и детали для сборки

    Первые номера Бисмарка

    Дата выхода
    Рекомендованный    с     срок нахождения в продаже
    1 месяц
    3 недели
    3 недели
    3 недели
    2 недели
    2 недели
    Рекомендованная розничная цена от производителя
    49 руб.
    90 руб.
    150 руб.
    150 руб.
    150 руб.
    150 руб.
    540 г.
    355 г.
    510 г.
    270 г.
    220 г.
    175 г.
    Полный размер в    упаковке:
    450х330х55 мм
    330х385х5 мм
    265х305х70 мм
    230х300х10 мм
    250х300х10 мм
    220х285х5 мм
    Количество полос
    Стандарт упаковки:
    Кисточка, клей, 2 деревянные части модели
    Деревянная часть модели
    Деревянная часть модели, папка-скоросшиватель
    Деревянная часть модели, 2 деревянные рейки, разделитель
    Деревянная часть модели + 4 деревянные рейки
    Деревянная часть модели

     №7 - с 2 апреля,  №8 - с 9 апреля,  №9 - с 16 апреля,  №10 - с 23 апреля

    А вот так выглядел настоящий Бисмарк:

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    Еще фотографии Бисмарка в исполнении зарубежных моделистов


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     Целую модель Бисмарка мы увидим еще не скоро, так как еще не вышли все номера журнала.

    Где купить Линкольн Бисмарк (модель для сборки): В книжных магазинах
    Тэги : модель для сборки, развлечения, бисмарк, модель, линкор, история, легенда


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Whenever I was between boyfriends in earlier times, I would just enjoy life until another man came along through work, Mutual friends or our eyes seeing across a crowded room.however I phoned a dating agency eight months ago, pretty much everything had taken on a new sense of urgency. I realised that since turning 35 many years ago, I hadn't met anyone I liked passionately, Who have also been single, Straight and focused on me. Where had most women gone?the pressure started to mount. 'Haven't you found a husband yet, Bridgey?' one married ex-boyfriend wrote on my Facebook page. another guy said: 'You've got get yourself a move on! Time is used up. But don't look needy men hate that.'It was hard to run just how to be relaxed about a state of emergency. I i never thought I would end up like this. There had been boyfriends in my teens, 20s, and also on into my early 30s.So it is hardly as if I was a definite spinster. but also, going back to London in 2009 after four years abroad, I found that being 30 something and single was very different to being 20 something and single. My whole self confidence had changed.initially, I would meet friends every evening and every weekend, Go to companies, And hang out in pubs and bars. There was consistent merry go round of new faces.instantly, if, As almost all my friends had got married and moved to suburbia, reunions involved babysitters, Talking as a substitute for dancing and heading home before the last train.I may possibly happily waited years to find 'The One'. But if I had to have children, Then I knew I had to locate a move on. And it wasn't merely about children. I missed having that special someone in my life someone to look forward to seeing at the end of a long day, someone to cuddle up to.Sarah with a man who was not her "Mr appropriately"But I worried that any potential boyfriends [url=https://www.bestbrides.net/zoosk-review-2020-full-review-that-helps-to-find-love-on-zook-com/]zoosk reviews[/url] would find out how old I was and just hear ticking ovaries. I vowed to try everything however embarrassing or very painful.I went speed free dating online, international dating, Wine sampling dating, Quiz dating and lunch dating. I joined hiking clubs, Did acting kinds and dance lessons, Went on skiing holidays and singles holidays and badgered my friends to set me up with regards to friends.Some attempts were easier than others: A singles holiday to Greece made me feel as though Elizabeth Taylor due to all the men after me, Whereas one evening spent dinner dating with seven single women in their 40s and just two men one of whom left after ten minutes made me want to give up on the idea altogether.I turned up a few minutes late for one date to find that the guy had already ordered and eaten dinner without me, And I booked myself on a climbing holiday with 14 fit men, realize halfway up the highest mountain in North Africa that they were all married.While I did meet some great men, It was never at the tortuous round of singles events, At which had been always more women than men and everyone had a sad, Resigned look to them.Countless times I left events in give up hope, contemplating: 'Where supply the men gone?' and would head to the nearest pub for a restorative drink, Only to perceive: 'Oh, these are!'The solution is to meet them in their own individual natural habit: fast food restaurants and pubs, keep in mind that, plus also sports clubs, afternoon classes, Even the local store. techniques are reassuringly endless.harry Preece, Who runs dating competitions, Says that although it might be a struggle to find men who are often happy just spending time with their mates rather than trying to meet new people women in their mid 30s shouldn't give up hope.'You are not going to find anyone at home watching the X Factor,' he admits that. 'But coffee shops are great places to start a small talk, Or needing a bus, Or your internet train.'You will find that there are men everywhere when you start to look for them. The more you practise asking them, The easier you can get it.'Thankfully for girls that are the far side of 30, James says it is 'absolute rubbish' they have no chance of finding love. 'There are many men out there who are bored with having meaningless affairs and who want to settle down and have children too,' he states. 'If a guy is dating a woman in her late 30s, It is hardly ad a surprise that she might also want children.'With that under consideration, I decided i should confess about my desire for marriage and children with surprising results. I put a free ad in Private Eye, and that read: 'Fun, Attractive female writer, 38, Seeks amorous, stylish, rational guy, 30s/40s for escapades and hopefully LTR/marriage/babies/the lot!'.

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    The provocation came in a storm of commentary sparked by the revelations that Facebook had been purposefully manipulating its users' emotions by tinkering with its news feed. Rudder contended that such tweaking was common and normal. In OkCupid's the event that, The company had temporarily adjusted its matching algorithm so that some people ended up with thoughts that the algorithm would normally have considered bad matches and vice versa, a lot of people whom the algorithm should have concluded were good matches were told they were a bad fit. But in an unplanned twist, The post turned into something good publicity for Rudder's new book, "Dataclysm: Who We Are When the world thinks No One's Looking, very good example: I had a loan review copy of the book sitting on my desk, But it was only after the hoopla over Rudder's blog post that I took a look and decided it was a must read.

    and even it is. "Dataclysm" Is a well produced and funny look at what the numbers reveal about human behavior in the age of social media. It's both profound and a bit worrying, for the fact, sorry to say, We're generally not potential job people we like to think or say we are.

    Rudder begins his book with a upsetting opening salvo: Two charts that reveal what age groups consumers generally find attractive. provided by age 20 to 50, Women are steady they're drawn to men who are in roughly the same age cohort. Men are equally steady: beyond age 20 50, They are consumed by 20 year olds. Rudder does the math on what different groups are most or least probably say in their profiles: white men, as an example, seldom mention Belle and Sebastian, playing ball or "Dr Horrible's Sing collectively Blog, White women don't discuss slow jams, J crop up or Malcolm X. bright guys, around the other hand, Are really into talking about their "Blue warm, beer making beer, moreover Robert Heinlein. Asian men typical basis say "Tall to have an Asian, "Gangnam preference" so "Noodle soups,)

    Rudder treats these insights into the human condition with bemused and very useful intelligence. We're only just beginning to understand how much we can learn about ourselves and others from the data that is constantly being harvested from us. if more we know, The better armed we are to navigate one's destiny. People online are free to act out their worst impulses with a small amount incentive to act out their best. I guess it just goes to show how politeness or propriety keeps us decent people. in the same manner Cool Ranch Doritos gratify certain taste receptors that are probably not very good for my digestive tract, such things Twitter or Reddit or even OkCupid gratify our tastes in ways that should probably best be left unsated.

    How does that have you feeling as a researcher? Have you become more cynical in response to what you've learned by watching how people behave on OkCupid?I definitely have plenty of ambivalence about the Internet generally and what we do at OkCupid. OkCupid does a lot of wonderful landmarks. We do find people like, We do create marriage and kids and happiness in a pure sense, In wherein, pronounce, Amazon may not. but there's a downside: In the finding that love or sex or whatever they're looking for, People could be more judgmental. It's a fraught thing. I can see the good and the bad in all this, But where it all comes out guarantees, i don't know. I think a good the Internet is a good thing, But I do wish people exercised more humanity in using these power tools.

    I'd like to break the format of the normal Q a bit, And just read some lines of the book that jumped out at me, And see if I can prompt you to lavish on them. as an example, You gave them that "the net will democratize our fundamental narrative, what am i saying?

    What I meant could be that the Internet will enable, On a mass scale, a product like what Howard Zinn was doing in his "People's History of the usa, Zinn's trying to reach for what the common person taken into account World War I or the Civil War, Or go back and find out what a housewife in 1970 was planning her life. computers that is crunching all that stuff pulls us all together. inside of a real sense, We are all given the same weight in any of these car loans calculations.

    I guess that connects straight away to another sentence that caught my eye: "via data, History may be deeper, It can be a little more,

    that is what I'm talking about.

    why not consider, "It's when people hardly understand their own hearts I get interested,I like it when it's possible to to look at a behavior in two ways. One: What people think they actually or wish they were doing, and simply two: What they actually do. At OkCupid we have a great mechanism for perusing that: We have all these match questions where we ask people what they feel or what they think, And then we can go in and measure exactly what they're actually doing. I just think that the space between self image and action is very interesting.

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