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    Основные характеристики
    Фирма-производитель Agusta Westland
    Страна-производитель Италия
    Период выпуска с 2002
    Назначение пассажирский
    Экипаж, чел. 1
    Пассажиры, чел. 15

    Летные данные
    V макс., км/час 310
    V крейс., км/час 290
    Скороподъемность, м/сек 10
    Дальность полета, км 568
    Длительность полета, час 3,54
    Макс. высота, м 5931

    Силовая установка
    Кол-во двигателей 2
    Модель двигателя Pratt&Whitney PT6C-67C
    Тип двигателя газотурбинный
    Система питания распределенный впрыск в камеру
    Топливо керосин
    Мощность взлетная, л.с. 1697
    Мощность макс., л.с. 1531

    Количество дверей 4

    Навигационное оборудование для дневного пилотирования

    Длина фюзеляжа, м 13,53
    Длина с винтом, м 16,65
    Диаметр несущего винта, м 13,80
    Высота, м 4,96
    Колея шасси, м 3,04

    Вес, масса
    Полный взлетный вес, кг 6400
    Полезная нагрузка, кг 2778

    Заправочные емкости
    Емкость топливного бака, л 1562
    Емкость доп. топливного бака, л 500

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    Davidbab Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    FPlusProxy4g : proxy creation from dcom software free Download

    Create proxy4g from dcom plugged into computer
    Dcom type HUAWEI E3372 Hilink(*), HUAWEI E3276 4G Hilink, HUAWEI E3531 Hilink, JAZZ

    Free Download Here:



    What is a 4G proxy?
    - It is a proxy that uses the transmission line and IP of the network operator such as mobi, viettel, ... ... Compared to dedicated IPs (servers) or resident IPs (IPs that use NET at home), the 4G IP type is rare. much more so it has a higher trust level.
    - FplusProxy software supports creating 4g proxy from 1 or more Dcom hilink supports using on software that supports 4g proxy such as Fplus, FplusScheduler.
    - Tools: Types of Dcom that can be used: HUAWEI E3372 HILINK, HUAWEI E3276 HILINK, HUAWEI E3531 HILINK, JAZZ. Use the dcom by plugging it directly into your computer's usb port or through the Hub to plug in multiple Dcoms.
    - After connecting the dcom to the computer, for example, here I have 2 Dcom:

    Number 1 is the wifi network that the device is using
    Number 2 and number 3 are 2 dcoms I am connecting to create a4g proxy, here I use 2 Huawei E3276 Hilink dcoms
    Status is status, Up is active posting
    IpInternet is the real network ip that will check, for example, assign a proxy to the nick when running, the ip that fb can check will be that Ipinternet and this ip will change when I reset it during the software run.
    - Next, on the left there will be a Config section, this part lets me set the default network, this one I will choose the wifi or LAN network that I use on this computer, then click Set up fixed IP to avoid the fields In case of resetting the machine, the LAN IP does not change.

    - The default port part is 50000, you can change it to 30000, the proxy will follow the port you enter.

    - Support copy format to use on software, this part will choose Ip:port:link reset format to assign to accounts running on Fplus or FplusScheduler software (including reset link to support automatic reset), In addition to using it in other software or applications, you can choose to get Ip:port (in this case, reset will press reset on FplusProxy software with the Reset All button on the top right corner of the software)
    - There is a Local and Lan option here:
    For Local, the correct IP used is the Proxy column on the right, this can only be used on Chrome, with a virtual machine that emulates a phone, it cannot be used.
    As for Lan mode, it supports using Chrome, using virtual machines and sharing to other computers that share the same LAN with the computer using FplusProxy to use.
    - When setting up for use on Fplus or FplusScheduler (the computer itself or the computer that shares the LAN with that computer), you select the Dcoms in the right column then click Copy to get the proxy format assigned to the account on the software.
    - On Fplus or Fplusscheduler, just choose the Dcom name as “proxy4g” to support automatic reset.
    Thx u

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    Накопление избыточной массы тела происходит из-за таких вредных привычек, как малоподвижный образ жизни и неправильное питание.Не обращаясь за помощью к специалистам, можно быстро похудеть в домашних условиях, собрав в кулак волю и следуя принципам диетического питания.Если отказаться от вредной пищи, и начать заниматься спортом, хотя бы больше гулять пешком, лишний вес незаметно уйдет.При хронических заболеваниях не рекомендуется применять для похудения жесткие диеты.Видео о том, как можно быстро похудеть в домашних условиях.

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    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to like the page with multiple accounts using chrome
    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
    Send messages according to the list of people who like or comment on posts
    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
    Join a group with more than x members
    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
    Automatically leave the group that has to be browsed and has few members
    Block admins of the group
    Join and confirm joining the group
    Invite to the group
    Invite 1 or more friends to all your groups
    Invite all your friends to 1 of your groups
    Invite friends to the event
    Join and confirm to join the group
    Confirm all requests to join the group
    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
    Find group, page, uid by keyword
    Find UID by link of search results link
    Find articles by keyword
    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
    Find the uid who commented the link
    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
    Statistics of posts on groups, personal pages and Pages
    FPlus posts Tab
    Share and post groups of many nicks using tabs
    Comment on multiple nicks using tabs
    Join groups with multiple nicks using tabs
    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
    Post your friends wall
    Comment your friends wall
    Comment group
    Comment page
    Like & comment seeding
    Join group
    Add friends
    Invite like page
    Send Message
    Invite 1 friend to all group
    Invite all friends to group
    Join & accept group
    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Fplus full crack : Auto Register Facebook Accounts & Seeding

    You are selling online, and do not have an effective product marketing solution. FPlus is the number 1 choice in facebook marketing.

    Download here


    Post to the group
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events...
    Post multiple photos directly
    Post directly simulate website link, facebook article link link
    Directly post the status simulator
    Post products to the sales group
    Post products on Market Place
    Share posts, photos, albums, videos, pages, events on your friends wall
    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
    Get posts from other pages or profiles and post them on the wall
    Interact with friends, raise fb nicks, comment like friends' posts
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
    Auto-confirm friend
    Scan email phone number from forum website
    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
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    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
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    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
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    Automatically comment up posted news
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    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
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    Friend Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
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    Post to the group
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    Backup photos of friends who pass the checkpoint
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    Backup photos of friends who pass the photo checkpoint (Tab posting friends wall)
    Unfriend in bulk (Tab posting friends wall)
    Make friends from uid files or from facebook suggestions
    Cancel sent friend requests
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    Get articles from other pages and post them on the page you manage
    Share articles, photos, albums, videos... on another page
    Directly post simulated many photos to another page
    Post directly simulate status, website link, facebook article link on the page
    Post API photo, status, website link on another page
    Invite all your friends to like your page
    Scan email phone number from comment in page, group, post...
    Realtime comment scanning (before being hidden)
    Create a page & comment like seeding posts with Page
    Fplus Chrome (Use multiple accounts through chrome browser)
    Manage multiple accounts
    Post groups of multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment up multiple accounts using chrome
    Join a group of multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends from uid, suggest multiple accounts using chrome
    Make friends who like to comment on posts with multiple accounts using chrome
    Unfriend multiple accounts using chrome
    Accept making friends with multiple accounts using chrome
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Cancel friend request sent to multiple accounts using chrome
    Post Market Place multiple accounts using chrome
    Post walls and pages with multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment like group multiple accounts using chrome
    Comment Tag multiple accounts using chrome
    Invite friends to a group of multiple accounts using chrome
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    Create a multi-account page using chrome
    Play games with multiple accounts using chrome
    Using an android virtual machine (NoxPlayer or LDPlayer)
    Manage multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Make friends with multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Confirm friend and cancel multiple account friend request on android virtual machine
    Unfriend multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Join group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Leave group of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Post wall and share posts to groups of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like seeding multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Comment like by id of multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Send multi-account messages on android virtual machine
    Invite friends to multi-account group on android virtual machine
    Change multiple account information on android virtual machine m?y
    Enable 2fa multiple accounts on android virtual machine
    Import virtual machine contacts with multiple accounts
    Set up multi-account wifi proxy on android virtual machine
    Send Message
    Send a message with a photo with the uid file
    Send a message to 1 uid's friends list
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    Send messages according to the list of group members
    Send messages by page to the person who inboxed the page, commented on the page
    Automatically comment up posted news
    Automatically comment with photos on friends' posts
    Automatically comment with photos on posts in the group
    Automatically comment with photos on other pages' posts
    Tag group members, friends in the post
    Automatically comment on another page as Page
    Join the group
    Send a request to join the group from uid, by keyword
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    Support to join the group, invite your nick to the ad groups
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    Invite friends to watch LiveStream videos
    Advanced UID Find Graph Search
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    Find UID
    Find someone's friend uid
    Find group member uid
    Find uid who liked the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who commented on the post (Page, Group, Profile)
    Find the uid who liked the Page (with the admin page)
    Find event participant uid
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    Find page id, group by keyword
    Advanced UID filtering with information: number of friends, number of followers, date of posting...
    Public share statistics
    Statistics of likes, comments, shares on the post
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    FPlus posts Tab
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    Leave a group with multiple nicks using tabs
    Make many friends using Tab
    FPlus Profile
    Post on multiple personal walls + pages
    Get posts from page, profile to personal page + page
    Copy photo album from other page, profile profile
    Copy multiple posts and albums from UID or Page for multiple accounts
    Support to pass image checkpoint checkpoint
    FPlus Token & Cookie (Use multiple accounts alternately, at the same time support Dcom reset)
    Get tokens & cookies
    Check tokens & cookies
    Get cookies from tokens
    Post group
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    Comment your friends wall
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    Send a message to your friends
    Accept friend request

    DonaldFup Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Стреха здания есть первенствующей элементом касательно устроенного пребывания, именно потому до качеству уплотнителя именно для покрытия требуют подходить точно основательно также обосновано. Особо проверенным материалом под дом есть этернит, какую клиент можете легко выбрать для перекрытие любого строения. Магазин «КФЗ» <a href="https://kfz-spb.ru/katalog-tovarov/krovel-nye-materialy/metallocherepica/monterrej/">металлочерепица монтеррей цвета ral</a> из радостью будет под Вас локацией, где наши клиенты смогут точно легко выбрать металлочерепицу также купить пласты черепицы собственно за достаточно разумной ценами.
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    Astykew Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
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    Deep Web-shadow Internet, which is based on the maximum anonymity, complete rejection of the provider servers, which makes it impossible to determine who, where and what sends. This is created using onion routing. Before you get to any site through deep web, your data is encrypted and transmitted through the same network members as you, which makes the transmission of data as anonymous as possible, but rather slow. Deep Web now resembles the speed of the very first Internet using dialup modems. The sites are on it are encrypted with the domain names .onion. It was Tor that created the largest onion network. It is a network in which there are no rules, laws, and countries.What can be purchased in the domain zone .onion? Not so much, but all you need the hero of the fighter: firearms of all stripes (some shops chaste put under the ban only "weapons of mass destruction"), passports, driver's license, credit cards, counterfeit bills, gold bars, banned substances, grass and iPhones. They say you can still buy killers, slaves or human organs.

    How to get on the Dark Web Technically, this is not a difficult process. You simply need to install and use Tor. Go to www.torproject.org and download the Tor Browser, which contains all the required tools. Run the downloaded file, choose an extraction location, then open the folder and click Start Tor Browser. That's it. The Vidalia Control Panel will automatically handle the randomised network setup and, when Tor is ready, the browser will open; just close it again to disconnect from the network.

    Exclusive to the pontuem.ru

    <a href=http://darknettor.com>Dark Wiki onion Urls Tor</a>

    Сергей Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Меня зовут Сергей, я занимаюсь SEO-продвижением сайтов.
    Хотите найти специалиста с успешными примерами работ и богатым опытом в SEO? Вы его нашли!
    Для начала знакомства Вы можете задать мне свои вопросы о продвижении по телефону: +7(965)215-50-25. С удовольствием расскажу о новинках в SEO и основных факторах ранжирования. Ну или можем просто поболтать за чашечкой кофе где-нибудь на Патриках (проживаю в Москве).
    Сейчас у меня освободилось немного времени, и я могу взять в работу пару проектов.
    По вашему запросу покажу свои работы, кейсы, предоставлю отзывы клиентов.
    Звоните или пишите в ватсап: +7 (965) 215-50-25
    E-mail: xsv1985@yandex.ru

    Александр Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Отправим Ваше коммерческое предложение владельцам/администраторам более 800 000 сайтов!

    Несколько преимуществ сотрудничества с нами:

    - Приятные цены - нам выгодно, чтобы клиент получал прибыль, значительно превышающую цену рассылки и обращался снова

    - Все максимально прозрачно:
    Предоставим скриншоты из софта, с подробными отчетами о результатах рассылки, подтверждающие выполнение обязательств с нашей стороны.

    - В отличие от большинства наших конкурентов, оплата ТОЛЬКО за УСПЕШНО доставленные сообщения.

    Теперь перейдем к гарантиям.
    Мы понимаем, что в интернете встречается всякое, поэтому чтобы Вам было спокойнее:
    1)Перед рассылкой мы предоставим скриншот из программы с Вашим проектом, подтверждающий готовность к запуску
    2)Во время рассылки у Вас будет доступ к обратному емайлу, чтобы Вы могли отслеживать процесс рассылки в онлайн-режиме
    3)По завершении рассылки отправим скриншоты с подробными отчетами о результатах рассылки, подтверждающие выполнение обязательств с нашей стороны.

    Свяжитесь с нами в течении суток и в качестве бонуса, получите бесплатное составление оффера для Вашей рассылки!
    Наш E-mail: arsatithos1987@mail.ru

    Пожалуйста, в сообщении указывайте Ваш контактный ватсап либо телеграм, для удобной и более оперативной связи.
    Названивать или использовать Ваши контакты для какой-либо другой цели, кроме оперативной связи мы не будем.

    P.S. Извините за беспокойство, если мы с Вами уже сотрудничаем.
    С Уважением, команда FormMarketing

    Evgenyfal Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
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    Jamesrhivy Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    L?a Ch?n Gi?y B?ng R? Gi? ??m B?o Ch?t L??ng<a href="https://murraystivoli.com/detail/truc-tiep-anh-may-ve-tinh-75553.html">?nh m?y v? tinh</a>L?n ??u ti?n ra m?t th? gi?y Jordan 1 c? color ??, white v? ?en ph?i v?i nhau. V?i upper m?ng nh? v? ?? b?n h?n c?ng b? ??m l?y th?ng k? t? Crazylight Boost n?m 2016, trong giai ?o?n t?m th?i Rose 8 c?ng r?t ??ng ?? demo.

    TDug Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    [url=https://m.kinotok.club/]фильмы и сериалы[/url]

    Евгений Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Хотите иметь свой чат с живой, целевой аудиторией,
    в котором Вы сможете регулярно рекламировать свой продукт и получать стабильный поток новых клиентов?

    Предлагаем услуги инвайтинга в Telegram-чаты!
    Создаем чат, в описании рассказываем о Вашем продукте.
    Выбираем тематические чаты, группы (например группа Вашего конкурента)
    Парсим с этой группы контакты пользователей, которые находятся в чате.
    Далее с помощью программы начинаем добавлять в Ваш чат этих пользователей.
    Конечно, некоторые будут с него выходить, но подавляющее большинство будет оставаться в чате т.к. они уже состоят в похожем, а значит тематика им интересна!
    Разумеется, увидев у себя сообщения из нового чата, потенциальные клиенты будут смотреть описание, что это вообще за чат, в который их добавили.
    Открыв описание, они будут видеть описание Вашего продукта. И если правильно все оформить, более 90% будут оставаться в чате!
    Уже на этом этапе некоторые обрататься к Вам и Вы получите целевые лиды.
    Но дальше начинается самое интересное!
    Ведь те, кто сразу не обратился к Вам, чтобы заказать Ваш продукт-все еще остаются в чате и продолжают быть Вашей целевой аудиторией.
    А это значит, что в нем можно продолжать выкладывать посты, рекламировать продукт, устраивать акции и т.д.

    При правильном подходе, такой чат можно превратить в мощнейшую машину по генерации целого потока новых клиентов,
    добавляя все новых и новых пользователей.
    Не говоря уже о том, что владельцам крупных чатов регулярно поступают предложения прорекламировать продукты из смежных тематик в своем чате.
    Как использовать эту машину трафика-уже решать Вам. Со своей стороны мы поможем Вам ее создать!

    Интересуют подробности?
    Свяжитесь с нами!
    E-mail: marketingform2020@gmail.com

    Rebeccainipt Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Строительные туры (вышки-туры) используются для работ для высотах, где применение классических лестниц alias стремянок опасно и в случаях, когда строительные материалы и орудие должен разместить собственноручно в зоне работ.

    Эти конструкции применяются в непомерно многих сферах, то завтракать повсеместно где необходим доступ ради высоту - монтаж, электромонтаж, строительные, ремонтные, фасадные работы. Используется ради съемочных площадках, чтобы замены ламп, киносъемки и установке осветительного оборудования, обслуживания станков, авиастроения, вагоностроения, кораблестроения. В зависимости от условий эксплуатации в производстве используют разные материалы для прогресс вышек-тур: сталь, алюминий, стекловолокно.
    Основные технические характеристики вышек-тур: грузоподъёмность, общая уровень, высота установки рабочей площадки, габаритные размеры рабочей площадки.
    Грузоподъемность: Потом 150 перед 250 кг/м2.
    Предлагаем ознакомится: <a href=https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/%25D0%25BF%25D1%2580%25D0%25B0%25D0%25B9%25D1%2581-%25D0%25BD%25D0%25B0-%25D1%2581%25D1%2582%25D1%2580%25D0%25BE%25D0%25B8%25D1%2582%25D0%25B5%25D0%25BB%25D1%258C%25D0%25BD%25D1%258B%25D0%25B5-%25D0%25B2%25D1%258B%25D1%2588%25D0%25BA%25D0%25B8-%25D1%2582%25D1%2583%25D1%2580%25D1%258B-%25D1%2580%25D0%25B8%25D0%25BD-%25D1%2581%25D1%2582%25D1%2580%25D0%25BE%25D0%25B9/?trackingId=XLn2cgLCxwlD1zbljoGgFQ%3D%3D>строительная вышка тура всп</a>
    Высота использования: сквозь 3 раньше 21,8 м рабочей гора (рабочая откос - могила доступа на которой проводятся работы).

    Габаритные размеры: ширина и длина площадки зависит вследствие требования к рабочей высоте и нагрузке. Ширина настила может быть от 0,5 прежде 2,0 м, а длина настила через 1,5 некогда 3,0 м.
    Смотрите также:

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    Пенсионное удостоверение как выглядит в году где купить, юридические услуги. Опубликовал: admin в Пенсии 06.11.2018 Комментарии к записи Пенсионное удостоверение как выглядит в году где купить, юридические услуги отключены 2 Просмотров. Пенсионное удостоверение как выглядит в 2018 году где купить. Ответ: Если, говоря о пенсионных отчислениях, имеете ввиду трудовую пенсию, то вы сможете ее получать после достижения вами пенсионного возраста 63 года для женщин. Если размер месячной пенсии и суммарный доход семьи не будет превышать разрешенного уровня для получения социальной надбавки доходов, то вы сможете получать и социальную надбавку. При выезде в Америку вы сможете получать там вашу пенсию. А. Шарнопольский Вопрос: Шалом. Вопрос состоит в следующем : на что мы можем рассчитывать в Израиле после выплаты корзины? Мне 60 лет, жене 61. Суммарная российская пенсия примерно 1400 шекелей. Ответ: После выплаты корзины абсорбции вша семья будет получать пособие по прожиточному минимуму которое составляет сегодня 3243 шк. А. Шарнопольский 12 сентября 2016 Вопрос: Моя знакомая, которой 91 год, в Израиле с 1991 года, проживает на съемной квартире. Возможно вам предложат оформить документы на пособие по прожиточному минимуму А. Шарнопольский 30 июня 2016 Вопрос: Какие критерии получения помощи 200 шек. от министерства абсорбции ? Спасибо. Влад Ответ: Если вы стоите не более 15 лет в очереди министерства абсорбции на получение социального жилья, и относитесь к возрастной категории от 70 до 80 лет, у вас есть право на получение этой помощи. А. Шарнопольский Вопрос: Я одиночка. Получаю пособие битуах леуми и соц. надбавку. Мне 69 лет. Где получить кредит без справок о доходах и поручителей? А. Шарнопольский Вопрос: Здравствуйте. Нам с женой по 70 лет В 1998 году жена участвовала в получении машканты с семьёй сына для покупки им квартиры. Квартиру продали в июне 2006 года и погасили машканту. Сейчас мы с женой живём на съёмной квартире. Имеем ли мы право на получение квартирных денег Ответ: Я думаю, вам стоит обратиться в одну из организаций Амидар, Мате Хен или подобную им с вопросом о получении теудат закаут и пособия на аренду жилья. При этом максимальная суммы увеличения пособия по старости не должна превысить 50% от базового пособия по старости. А. Шарнопольский Вопрос: Здравствуйте! Я хотел бы узнать какие льготы даёт белая карточка, выданная жертвам Холокоста? Я дважды пытался дозвониться до министерства финансов,но там система,что они потом связываются сами.Когда они звонили, у меня звонки не раздавались. Буду очень признателен, если Вы мне поможете. Ответ: Пока еще министерство финансов не разработало положение об удостоверении ницоль ашоа. Тем ни менее, у вас есть право потребовать первоочередного обслуживания в местах общественного пользования, и получать скидки на посещение культурных мероприятий, проводимых местными органами власти. А. Шарнопольский Вопрос: Здравствуйте! Родители репатриируются в Израиль. Обоим по 76 лет. Для пожилых пенсионеров скидка устанавливается министерством здравоохранения. Размер скидок различный в зависимости от вида лекарств. А. Шарнопольский Вопрос: Здравствуйте! Какое пособие по старости вместе с социальной надбавкой будет получать семейная пара :мужу 70 лет, а жене 52? Ответ: Пособие по старости с социальной надбавкой для возрастной категории от 70 до 80 лет составляет 4962 шк на семейную пару А. Шарнопольский 1 марта 2017 Вопрос: Вопрос задала. Когда и где можно увидеть ответ.. И еще, как можно задать вопрос Битуах Леуми по поводу пенсий из России уехавшим в Израиль до 1992 года Ответ: Вопросы Битуах Леуми можно задать, войдя на сайт Битуах леуми. А. Шарнопольский 23февраля 2017 Вопрос: Уже несколько лет стоит вопрос алии родителей (возраст 57 и 62). Канцтовары бланк пенсионное удостоверение по цене 18,88 рублей. вы можете купить с доставкой в любой регион россии. Интернет-магазин skybuy на 100% защищает вас при совершении покупки!где купить пенсионное удостоверение в санкт-петербурге? надежда типография профф принт предлагает купить корочки для документов (удостоверений) в москве. купить в сбербанке фальшивую золотую монету как [url=https://vseudost.com]Купить удостоверение[/url] в набережных челнах. Получить пенсионное удостоверение либо в пенсионный санкт-петербург и бланки удостоверений в бланк пенсионное удостоверение, санкт-петербург. Предложения компаний и поставщиков в рубрике бланки удостоверений в санкт [url=https://vseudost.com]Купить удостоверение[/url] мы подготовим удостоверения в и санкт-петербурга, встроенное видеопенсионное удостоверение в получить в отделении пенсионного я купила корочку бланки удостоверений в бланк пенсионное удостоверение, санкт-петербург. Осуществляется подобная процедура в территориальном органе ПФР. Где можно использовать Документ имеет юридическую силу. Предъявив ее, гражданин сможет: покупать со скидкой билеты на проезд, получать социальную карточку, которая предоставляет возможность пользоваться на льготной основе общественными видами транспорта, получить статус ветерана труда, получать скидки на коммунальные платежи, приобретать на льготных основаниях определенные медицинские препараты (скидки предоставляются только государственным аптекам), использовать ее для подтверждения своей личности при оформлении второго социального пособия или надбавки. Оформить этот документ в 2018 году можно в территориальном органе Пенсионного фонда. Обратите внимание! В новый бланк не вклеивают фото пенсионера, а также не покрывают пластиковым покрытием. Вместо пенсионного удостоверения пенсионерам теперь будет выдаваться справка. При смене вида пенсии гражданин должен получить новое пенсионное удостоверение, при этом старое будет изъято и уничтожено. Пакеты документов, необходимых для установления трудовой пенсии и пенсии по государственному пенсионному обеспечению, приведены в Постановлении Минтруда РФ и ПФР от 27 февраля 2002 года № 16/19па Об утверждении Перечня документов, необходимых для установления трудовой пенсии и пенсии по государственному пенсионному обеспечению в соответствии с федеральными законами от 17.12.2001 года № 173-ФЗ О трудовых пенсиях в РФ и от 15.12.2001 года № 166-ФЗ О государственном пенсионном обеспечении в РФ. Ознакомиться с Перечнем документов, которые необходимо предоставить в территориальный орган ПФР в зависимости от вида оформляемой пенсии. Пенсионного Фонда по месту жительства, однако вместо его дубликата теперь будет выдана уже справка, форма которой приводится ниже. Необходимые документы для оформления. Чтобы получить удостоверение пенсионера или справку, при оформлении пенсии гражданин обязан был заполнить анкету, предъявить фотографию формата 4 х 3 (для удостоверения) и представить следующие документы: паспорт, трудовая книжка, СНИЛС (страховое свидетельство), свидетельство о заключении брака (если имеется), свидетельства о рождении ребенка (всех детей), справка о доходах с места работы, справка с места учебы (по окончанию учебы — аттестат, диплом, или иной документ), документ об открытии того счета в банке, на который будут перечисляться денежные средства каждый месяц, иные документы, необходимые по требованию специалистов ПФР. В зависимости от отдельных случаев, могли потребоваться и другие документы. Существуют несколько категорий молодых людей призывного возраста, не подлежащих призыву в армию: граждане России, постоянно проживающие на территории другого государства, граждане, имеющие судимость, лица, имеющие освобождение от службы по разным обстоятельствам. Как получить Юноша призывного возраста должен собрать и предоставить в военкомат следующие документы: характеристику с места учебы, паспорт, чёрно-белые фото 3 х 4 (3 шт.), документ из паспортного стола о регистрации. Заполнив анкету и пройдя медосмотр, призывник получает решение военно-медицинской комиссии. На него открывается личное дело. Это важно: если повестка не пришла, юноша обязан самостоятельно явиться в ближайший военкомат, подать заявление. Иначе его рассматривают как уклоняющегося от воинской обязанности. В бланк пенсионного удостоверения без сокращений вносятся фамилия, имя, отчество и год рождения пенсионера, а также приводится основание назначения пенсии: по старости, инвалидности, потере кормильца и др. В нем указываются дата назначения пенсии, ее размер (цифрами и прописью) и дата выдачи пенсионного удостоверения. Бланк содержит дополнительные листы для внесения изменений при перерасчете размера пенсии, которые, как и все предыдущие записи, заверяются подписью начальника отдела и гербовой печатью. На шестой странице удостоверения приведена краткая памятка для пенсионеров. Указывается ли в пенсионном удостоверении информация о льготах? Закон не устанавливает обязанность о внесении сведений о праве пользования льготами. Выдачей специальных удостоверений занимаются органы труда и социальной защиты населения. Пенсионное удостоверение как выглядит в 2018 году где купить.
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    Мы понимаем, что в интернете встречается всякое, поэтому чтобы Вам было спокойнее:
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    3)По завершении рассылки отправим скриншоты с подробными отчетами о результатах рассылки, подтверждающие выполнение обязательств с нашей стороны.

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    Наш E-mail: arsatithos1987@mail.ru

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    Названивать или использовать Ваши контакты для какой-либо другой цели, кроме оперативной связи мы не будем.

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    С Уважением, команда FormMarketing

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    3)По завершении рассылки отправим скриншоты с подробными отчетами о результатах рассылки, подтверждающие выполнение обязательств с нашей стороны.

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    Наш E-mail: arsatithos1987@mail.ru

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    Названивать или использовать Ваши контакты для какой-либо другой цели, кроме оперативной связи мы не будем.

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Внутри удостоверения содержится фото владельца, печать Пенсионного фонда и сведения о пенсии. Необходимо отметить, что данное свидетельство общегражданский паспорт не заменяет, а значит использовать его для идентификации личности нельзя. Пенсионное удостоверение отменили или нет? Граждане, которые обрели статус пенсионера до 2015 года, получали пенсионное свидетельство в виде вышеописанной книжечки. Однако теперь получателям государственного пособия предоставляется справка с указанием всех данных о заявителя. Составляется такой документ на листе бумаги формата А4. В справке указываются такие сведения, как: ФИО заявителя, номер страхового свидетельства, дата рождения, наименование территориального подразделения ПФР, где заявитель состоит на учете, вид пособия, время назначения государственных выплат, сумма, которая подлежит ежемесячной выплате, номер личного дела заявителя. При этом каждая готовая справка подписывается руководителем территориального отделения Пенсионного фонда и заверяется соответствующей печатью. Выдают ли сейчас? Как уже было сказано, пенсионное удостоверение выдавалось гражданам до 2015 года. В настоящее же время пенсионеры могут рассчитывать лишь на получение справки на обычном листе бумаги формата А4. Когда и почему отменили и что выдают взамен. Согласно официальной версии, пенсионные удостоверения в РФ были отменены за ненадобностью. Все дело в том, что для идентификации личности применять такое свидетельство пенсионер не мог, а при оформлении различных льгот оно никакого значения не имело. Необходимо отметить, что избавляться от пенсионного удостоверения его обладателям не нужно, так как и свидетельство, и справка имеют одинаковую юридическую силу, а их действие распространяется на всю территорию страны. О том, почему вместо пенсионного удостоверения выдают справку, рассказывается в этом видео: Вопросы и ответы. Можно ли получить пенсионное удостоверение вместо справки? Получить пенсионное удостоверение вместо справки нельзя – в 2015 году выдача «книжечек» была остановлена. Является ли пенсионное удостоверение документом, удостоверяющим личность? Согласно Указу Президента РФ №232 «Об основном документе, удостоверяющем личность гражданина РФ на территории РФ» от 13.03.1997 года и положению №828 «О паспорте гражданина РФ», пенсионное удостоверение документом, удостоверяющим личность, не является . Это СНИЛС или нет? Пенсионное удостоверение – это документ, удостоверяющий получение гражданином РФ государственных пособий. Представляет собой красную книжечку с изображением герба на лицевой стороне. СНИЛС – это страховой номер индивидуального лицевого счета гражданина РФ в системе обязательного пенсионного страхования. Также называется страховым пенсионным свидетельством и представляет собой зеленую заламинированную карточку. Возможна ли замена при смене фамилии? На сегодняшний день выдача пенсионных удостоверений остановлена, поэтому при смене фамилии заявитель взамен удостоверения получит бумажную справку. Как выглядит пенсионное удостоверение нового образца с 2017-го года: фото. Предлагаем ознакомиться с примерами пенсионных удостоверений. Как выглядело старое? Как уже было сказано, старое пенсионное удостоверение представляло собой красную «книжечку» с изображением герба на лицевой стороне. Внутри удостоверения указывалась вся необходимая информация. Пенсионная справка. Теперь же вместо пенсионного удостоверения выдается справка на обычном листе формата А4. При этом оба документа имеют равную юридическую силу. Военного пенсионера. По потере кормильца. Пенсионное удостоверение по потере кормильца ранее представляло собой привычную красную книжечку, в которой указана соответствующая причина получения выплат. Теперь же вместо него выдается обычная справка. По инвалидности. В пенсионном удостоверении по инвалидности также указывалась причина получения пенсии. Однако в настоящий момент, как и другие виды пенсионных, удостоверение по инвалидности больше не выдается. Образец формы справки. Выдаваемые на сегодняшний день справки о назначении пенсионных выплат выглядят следующим образом. Однако при желании можно запросить у ПФР и справку о размере пенсионных выплат. Образец такого документа можно скачать здесь: https://yadi.sk/d/SrDcaHH73QRuR4. Где и как можно получить: пошаговая инструкция. Пенсионное удостоверение по старости можно было получить при личном визите в отдел Пенсионного фонда до 1 января 2015 года, но теперь вместо заветной красной книжки там выдается справка о назначении пенсии, которая содержит в себе все те же сведения, что и ранее отображались в удостоверении. Можно ли получить в МФЦ? Как и в случае с ПФР, получить пенсионное удостоверение в Многофункциональном центре нельзя. Однако с помощью МФЦ можно подать заявление с просьбой о выдаче соответствующей справки. Для этого необходимо обратиться в данное учреждение с заявлением и пакетом необходимой документации. Как заказать через интернет? Однако с помощью интернета можно заказать официальную справку о назначении пенсии. Сделать это можно с помощью как Единого портала госуслуг, так и официального сайта ПФР. В первом случае последовательность действий будет следующей: зайти на Единый портал госуслуг, авторизоваться под собственной учетной записью, зайти в раздел «Каталог услуг», выбрать вкладку «Пенсия, пособия и льготы», указать раздел «Установление накопительной и страховых пенсий», кликнуть по надписи «Заказать справку». После этого система ответит, каким способом можно получить справку. Далее следует лишь выбрать подходящий вариант и ждать ответа на электронную почту. Если долго ждать времени нет, можно обратиться к ведомству через официальный сайт ПФР. В таком случае алгоритм действий будет выглядеть следующим образом: зайти на портал ПФР, авторизоваться под собственной учетной записью, выбрать раздел «Электронные услуги» и подраздел «Заказ справок и документов», в открывшемся окне внести все запрашиваемые системой данные. Приглашение на прием приходит заявителю в электронном виде. Для получения справки необходимо с указанным пакетом документов подойти в назначенное время по выбранному ранее адресу. О том, как заказать справку на сайте ПФР, показано в этом видео: Какие документы нужны для получения пенсионного удостоверения. Для получения справки о назначении пенсии (пенсионные удостоверения не выдаются с 2015 года) при подаче заявления необходимо иметь: документ, удостоверяющий личность получателя пенсии, документ, удостоверяющий личность представителя (в случае если гражданин обращается за услугой через законного или уполномоченного представителя), документ, удостоверяющий полномочия представителя (в случае если гражданин обращается за услугой через законного или уполномоченного представителя), СНИЛС. Требования на фото: размер и другие параметры. На сегодняшний день требования к фото на пенсионное удостоверение являются неактуальными по причине отмены данного документа. Однако ранее ПФР требовало соблюдать следующие условия: размер фотографии: 30-40 миллиметров, размер головы: 21-26 миллиметров, расстояние от макушки до края фотографии: 2-4 миллиметра, цвет: черно-белая или цветная, тип бумаги: матовая, фон: светлый. Как восстановить при утере. Что потребуется предоставить. Если пенсионное удостоверение было утеряно или испорчено, для его восстановления необходимо также обратиться в территориальное отделение ПФР по месту жительства, но и в таком случае вместо дубликата удостоверения будет выдана справка. С видео на эту тему можно ознакомиться здесь: Как узнать номер через интернет? Номер пенсионного удостоверения является порядковым и никакой роли, по сути, не играет. Где купить пенсионное удостоверение: бланки и обложки? Бланки пенсионных удостоверений приобретать смысла нет – заверять такие документы Пенсионный фонд отказывается. В Москве приобрести обложку для пенсионного удостоверения можно в следующих организациях: «WEYAL»: официальный сайт: http://www.weyal.com, адрес: город Москва, улица Большая Юшуньская, дом 1а, корпус 3, офис 104, телефон: +7 (926) 711-24-49. «Заказ игрушек»: официальный сайт: http://zakaz-igrushek.ru, адрес: город Москва, Алтуфьевское шоссе, дом 37, телефон: +7 (985) 005-25-05. «ВсёВсё»: официальный сайт: https://www.vsevse.ru, адрес: город Москва, Семеновский переулок, дом 15, телефон: +7 (495) 188-98-19. В Санкт-Петербурге продажей обложек для пенсионных удостоверений занимаются такие компании, как: «РусАтрибут»: официальный сайт: http://rusatribut.ru, адрес: город Санкт-Петербург, Спасский переулок, дом 1435, офис 406, телефон: +7 (812) 926-00-42. «Персон»: официальный сайт: https://persontm.ru, адрес: город Санкт-Петербург, улица Якорная, дом 10, телефон: +7 (812) 346-53-68. «Плюс Портмоне»: официальный сайт: http://plusportmone.ru, адрес: город Санкт-Петербург, проспект Обуховской обороны, дом 10, место Г-4, телефон: +7 (967) 571-19-10. Таким образом, пенсионное удостоверение больше гражданам не выдается – вместо них Пенсионный фонд стал выдавать обычные бумажные справки, однако полученные ранее удостоверения по-прежнему действуют и обмену на справку не подлежат. В заключение хотелось бы еще раз отметить, что все размещенные в Интернете предложения о приобретении пенсионного удостоверения подразумевают покупку чистого бланка или поддельного документа. Ни в одном из этих случаев удостоверение подлинным не будет. Поэтому в случае необходимости получить документ, подтверждающий статус пенсионера, обращаться следует только в территориальное подразделение Пенсионного фонда или другое официальное учреждение. Уважаемые читатели ! Если вы нуждаетесь в консультации специалиста по вопросам пенсии и государственных пособий, рекомендуем сразу обратиться к квалифицированным практикующим юристам по социальным вопросам: Москва и область: +7 (499) 455-12-46. Санкт-Петербург и область: +7 (812) 426-11-82.
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    Deep Web-shadow Internet, which is based on the maximum anonymity, complete rejection of the provider servers, which makes it impossible to determine who, where and what sends. This is created using onion routing. Before you get to any site through deep web, your data is encrypted and transmitted through the same network members as you, which makes the transmission of data as anonymous as possible, but rather slow. Deep Web now resembles the speed of the very first Internet using dialup modems. The sites are on it are encrypted with the domain names .onion. It was Tor that created the largest onion network. It is a network in which there are no rules, laws, and countries.What can be purchased in the domain zone .onion? Not so much, but all you need the hero of the fighter: firearms of all stripes (some shops chaste put under the ban only "weapons of mass destruction"), passports, driver's license, credit cards, counterfeit bills, gold bars, banned substances, grass and iPhones. They say you can still buy killers, slaves or human organs.

    How to get on the Dark Web Technically, this is not a difficult process. You simply need to install and use Tor. Go to www.torproject.org and download the Tor Browser, which contains all the required tools. Run the downloaded file, choose an extraction location, then open the folder and click Start Tor Browser. That's it. The Vidalia Control Panel will automatically handle the randomised network setup and, when Tor is ready, the browser will open; just close it again to disconnect from the network.

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    Найти нужный товар на сайте просто, воспользовавшись удобным поиском. Для удобства мы разделили все предлагаемые товары на категории. У нас вы найдете:
    " Лекарственные средства;
    " Питание для детей, лечебная продукция;
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    " Косметические средства;
    " Раздел с детскими товарами;
    " Медицинские изделия и контактные линзы;
    " Гигиенические средства;
    " Медицинские товары и техника;
    " Средства для дезинфекции и другие медтовары.

    Чтобы найти нужный товар, воспользуйтесь поисковой строкой, которая расположена вверху страницы. Также можно использовать поиск по алфавиту, если вы не помните точного названия. Можно выбрать определенную группу товаров в каталоге. Поиск лекарств в аптеке https://аптека-омск.рф/ - простой и удобный. У нас есть лекарства с одинаковым названием, но разными производителями. Каждый товар описан, и вы можете сравнить цены, состав, действие, не выходя из дома, и заказать то, что вам нравится больше.

    Сайт https://аптека-омск.рф/ поможет найти и купить лекарственные средства, товары и медтехнику. Вы можете подобрать все необходимые товары и сразу же оформить доставку в ближайшую аптеку "Семейная".
    https://аптека-омск.рф/ - проект компании "Аптека Семейная". Заказывая у нас товары, вы можете не сомневаться в их качестве, ведь мы работаем только с проверенными поставщиками. Лекарственные средства https://аптека-омск.рф/ предлагаются со всеми документами, подтверждающими их оригинальность и высокое качество. Оформляя заказ на сайте https://аптека-омск.рф/ вы можете не сомневаться в качестве товаров.

    Мы предлагаем оригинальные лекарственные средства по доступной цене. Кроме того, на сайте часто проводятся акции, по условиям которых, покупатели могут приобрести товары со скидкой. Самые выгодные предложения мы размещаем на главной странице сайта.

    Заказывая лекарства через сайт https://аптека-омск.рф/ вы избавите себя от походов по аптекам и сэкономите деньги. Здесь вы найдете качественные медицинские товары с доставкой в ближайшую аптеку сети. Вы получите сообщение сразу, как заказ будет укомплектован. На сайте вы также можете узнать статус заказа. За консультацией обращайтесь по указанному на сайте номеру телефона. Расскажем о выгодных акциях, поможем подобрать медицинские средства по выгодной стоимости.

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