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    Назначение пассажирский
    Экипаж, чел. 1
    Пассажиры, чел. 15

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    V макс., км/час 310
    V крейс., км/час 290
    Скороподъемность, м/сек 10
    Дальность полета, км 568
    Длительность полета, час 3,54
    Макс. высота, м 5931

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    DavidGluse Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Knife bandit robs building supplies company of nearly $20,000 worth of goods."

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    Federal help needed in mental health services vicariously from parents who've struggled

    Crisis intervention plans are urgently needed to respond to people's psychological distress, says MP

    The suicide crisis in England could be saved if families and communities took the time to learn what's really going on in their lives, a leading psychiatrist has said.

    The issue is particularly acute in London, where three women committed suicide last month after their ex-boyfriend moved to the capital.

    Sophia, a father of two from north London, took her own life three years ago after getting into an argument with her ex-boyfriend over finances and spending too much time playing video games on a PC.

    An investigation has revealed that while her relationship with her ex-boyfriend was good, her mental health had deteriorated in the last two years as she was increasingly depressed and anxious.

    It's estimated that some 1,500 people in England take their own lives each year, according to the Samaritans' advice. However, the charity says it works with only 10 to 15 families every day, and is concerned about what to do next should their loved one end their lives.

    'It is important for us to take every opportunity to educate families and communities in their concerns,' said Professor Nigel Thompson, vice-chairman of the Mental Health Foundation, which commissioned the investigation and commissioned the Guardian's report.

    'Parents need to ask themselves whether they want to accept the possibility that a child is being left at risk by their partner's behaviour or by what may be perceived as uncooperative behaviour by the person he or she is with.'

    The problems faced by women with mental health problems were highlighted at a series of mental health workshops by NHS England in September, the first ever gathering of women's mental health professionals for the purposes of addressing the suicide crisis.

    One of the sessions, conducted for the first time by the mental health foundation's mental health committee, was chaired by Fiona Gomes, head of the national organisation for adults with mental health problems.

    Ms Gomes told members of the public that if anyone needed support, it was mothers, particularly fathers, and that people were usually more understanding if they talked to a trained counsellor.

    Nurse Joanna Fergusson who has helped many women, including Sophia, says: 'Most people see someone who is a problem child. I saw Sophia because we were speaking about suicide. She was in her 20s. She was distressed because she was struggling. Then I saw her dad and she was in his 20s, and then there were two years of abuse.'

    Crisis: The Guardian's investigation has uncovered alarming facts about the mental health problems faced by mothers and mothers' supporters in Britain


    VernonPhatt Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Share market nudges 5000 mark

    With just over 5000 shares of Nasdaq trading, the Nasdaq composite index is up more than 1.4 per cent on Tuesday and its biggest one-day gain in a month.

    The move to the Nasdaq composite came as investors looked to weather the global financial crisis and its aftermath by buying up companies that had been underperforming during the dotcom crash.

    "The financial sector is on fire right now and as the sector continues to be dominated by high volatility stocks, including tech and financial services, the market is being turned upside down," said Ken Buesseler, portfolio manager at the Chicago-based Investment Company Institute.

    "I think the Nasdaq Composite is going to get pushed higher in 2017 but I think the market will respond in the right direction through mid-year and it is a lot tougher now to get those higher."

    As a result, Nasdaq has posted a 1.9 per cent gain for the week. But by far the biggest one-day gain in the index so far this year came on Monday, when the market was up nearly 2 per cent in the span of just over two hours.

    The consumer quarter, which opened Sept. 7, ended Aug. 31 with $24 billion in net sales and $2 billion in profits. The quarter started with a low of $13.3 billion in June, when U.S. auto makers spent a record $47.2 billion to purchase roughly 3 million vehicles.

    Sales have gone up because buyers now need a more dependable means of transportation because of an improving economy. Car shoppers, however, have grown much slower in comparison. Overall auto sales were $16.3 billion in 2012, a 7.6 percent decline from the year before, according to Kantar Financial. The overall U.S. market was $29.2 billion last year.

    The U.S. is currently second in the world among advanced economies in average daily miles driven, behind only Japan. In addition to its booming auto market, Japan and the U.S. are among the world's biggest consumers of oil, gas and natural gas.

    While auto sales have risen in both the U.S. and Japan, their combined pace of improvement has been less impressive, said Stephen Wolk, senior auto industry analyst at Edmunds.com. He said some of the sluggish growth has likely had to do with the recession, which began in earnest in October 2007.

    "Overall, the economic and consumer environment in both countries is the exact opposite in terms of the quality of life," Mr. Wolk said. "Japan is not a car-free nation that wants to drive around. It's a car-happy nation."

    Write to Jennifer Spick at jennifer.spick@wsj.com

    EricaAcade Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00


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    Siddhartha Visser, chair of South African cricket's governing body, the ICC, is being sought as interim president when the national team resumes play on July 1, with South Africa's chief executive, David Richardson, returning to the chair to head it.

    Richardson was fired following allegations of corruption and nepotism in 2011, with former Australian Test star Jimmy Anderson now the ICC president.

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    Вообще, влагомеры нефти могут работать, используя один из трех методов измерения:

    - диэлькометрический метод,
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    Также существуют комбинированные приборы, но методика работы, в любом случае, от этого не изменяется.

    Итак, Диэлькометрический метод измерения – суть метода состоит в том, что диэлектрическая проницаемость эмульсии прямо пропорциональна содержанию воды в ней. Электрод преобразователя, в зависимости от количества воды, изменяет емкость нагрузки, в результате чего изменяется частота выходного сигнала. Особенностью приборов, использующих данный метод, является то, что они способны работать при содержании не более 60% воды в нефти.

    Микроволновый метод измерения базируется на том факте, что нефтяная эмульсия способна поглощать микроволновое излучение. Процесс измерения проводится в два этапа: сперва, измерительный и эталонный генераторы волн прибора настраивают на одну частоту, а после заполнения датчика нефтяной смесью, производят повторную настройку. Разница, между значениями настройки до и после наполнения чаши датчика, и служит мерой влажности. Такая мера, по специальным графикам, может быть переведена в относительные показатели (процентные значения). Микроволновым является потоковый влагомер нефти МВН-1,3.

    Суть оптического метода состоит в том, что водонефтяная смесь проверяется на просвет, т.е. измеряются её оптические свойства (светопропускание).

    Как правило, влагомер нефти конструктивно состоит из первичного преобразователя, в котором находятся датчики, а также, блока для обработки и вывода данных.

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    По сфере применения, влагомеры нефти принято разделять на три группы:

    1) Поточные влагомеры нефти – предназначаются для использования при подготовке нефтесырья перед переработкой, а также в системах последующего контроля качества. Работа поточных влагомеров строится на измерении сопротивления эмульсии нефти, проходящей через прибор. Сопротивление при этом зависит, непосредственно, от содержания воды в нефти и нефтепродуктах. Поточный влагомер предназначается для постоянного проведения измерений в автоматическом режиме, без участия человека.

    Примером поточного влагомера является влагомер сырой нефти серии ВСН-2 и полнопоточный влагомер сырой нефти ВСН-2-ПП. Также поточным является влагомер УДВН-1ПМ, который можно было бы отнести к лабораторным, из-за высокой точности получаемых результатов.

    2) Лабораторные влагомеры нефти – предназначаются для применения в научных лабораториях для максимально качественного анализа образцов нефти в целях контроля её качества. Такие измерения проводятся специально для определения уровня качества нефти, которая отправляется от нефтедобывающей компании заказчику. Лабораторным является влагомер нефти УДВН-1Л.

    3) Мобильные влагомеры нефти – по сути, это те же лабораторные влагомеры, однако, обладающие встроенным автономным питанием от аккумулятора. Такие приборы хорошо подходят для проведения измерений в «полевых» рабочих условиях.В качестве примера мобильного прибора приведем влагомер нефти УДВН-1ЛМ.

    Таким образом, для оперативного замера содержания влаги в жидких углеводородах могут быть использованы различные виды влагомеров нефти. Влагомеры экономичны, надежны, просты в эксплуатации и абсолютно безопасны, поскольку не требуют применения какой либо химии. Влагомеры нефти – это универсальные приборы, поскольку, сфера их применения не ограничивается только сырой нефтью. Такие приборы могут быть использованы для замеров влажности трансформаторного, моторного, турбинного масел в энергетике, морском и речном транспорте.

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    Injured forward Samu Kerevi, who has a fractured right fibula and is expected to miss Australia's tour of England next month, is set to miss the second match in two weeks.

    While he is one of the star names of the series, he will only have 15 minutes of playing time against a Lions side with a long list of injuries ?€“ which included the addition of star hooker David Pocock to the side on Friday ?€“ which means they will look to the bench to provide some depth behind prop Jonathan Davies and the No.7 jersey.

    Kerevi was involved in a series of minor concussions in the first round win over New Zealand but will be the last Australian who played for the Lions.

    While he will continue to be the mainstay of the Reds line-up, the Wallabies also have seven other players who are unlikely to play against Israel: hooker Tepai Moeroa, lock Stephen Moore, prop David Pocock, wing James Tracy, lock Nick Phipps, centre Scott Sio, lock James Slipper and scrum-half Aled Davies.

    They also have another seven players who have not played for them ?€“ while wing Tevita Kuridrani, flanker Aaron Cruden, lock Matt Toomua and loose-head prop Scott Fardy also remain out.

    While some of the other injuries are minor, another is serious ?€“ and could see Australian players miss seven-straight Test matches: hooker Jordan Rapana, lock Brad Barritt, prop Adam Ashley-Cooper, back rower Samu Kerevi, wing Will Genia and flanker Taulupe Faletau.

    With Kerevi out, the Wallabies have to hope that their injury stocks have been depleted to a degree with a handful of key players still missing.

    Wallabies captain Justin Smith, prop Julian Savea and backrowers Ben Smith and Lachlan Maranta are all expected to face England, while forwards Israel Folau and Michael Hooper are also set to be unavailable.

    This includes the injury-hit duo, with replacement hooker John Asiata and veteran back-rower Jonathan Davies to sit out at the weekend.

    But with some key players coming back into the fold such as lock Jeff Robson (knee) and prop Nick Phipps (neck), it will allow the Wallabies to fill several positions in the Test side ?€“ with wing Tevita Kuridrani and wing Lachlan Coote coming into the side from the bench.

    Kuridrani has already said the Wallabies will have a good side against the Wallabies in his first start of the series agains

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    The man is the grandson of the late Fred Hampton, the father of the late Michael Hampton, a legendary member of the Virginia military who was awarded the Purple Heart. Fred was also the president of the National Rifle Association in 1977 and was instrumental in developing a popular hunting and sporting rifle.

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    1-100 101-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 501-600 601-700 701-800 801-900 901-1000 1001-1100 1101-1200 1201-1300 1301-1400 1401-1500 1501-1600 1601-1700 1701-1800 1801-1900 1901-2000 2001-2100 2101-2200 2201-2300 2301-2400 2401-2500 2501-2600 2601-2700 2701-2800 2801-2900 2901-3000 3001-3100 3101-3200 3201-3300 3301-3400 3401-3500 3501-3600 3601-3700 3701-3800 3801-3900 3901-4000 4001-4100 4101-4200 4201-4300 4301-4400 4401-4500 4501-4600 4601-4700 4701-4800 4801-4900 4901-5000 5001-5100 5101-5200 5201-5300 5301-5400 5401-5500 5501-5600 5601-5700 5701-5800 5801-5900 5901-6000 6001-6100 6101-6200 6201-6300 6301-6400 6401-6500 6501-6600 6601-6700 6701-6800 6801-6900 6901-7000 7001-7100 7101-7200 7201-7300 7301-7400 7401-7500 7501-7600 7601-7700 7701-7800 7801-7900 7901-8000 8001-8100 8101-8200 8201-8300 8301-8400 8401-8500 8501-8600 8601-8700 8701-8800 8801-8900 8901-9000 9001-9100 9101-9200 9201-9300 9301-9400 9401-9500 9501-9600 9601-9700 9701-9800 9801-9900 9901-10000 10001-10100 10101-10200 10201-10300 10301-10400 10401-10500 10501-10600 10601-10700 10701-10800 10801-10900 10901-11000 11001-11100 11101-11200 11201-11300 11301-11400 11401-11500 11501-11600 11601-11700 11701-11800 11801-11900 11901-12000 12001-12100 12101-12200 12201-12300 12301-12400 12401-12500 12501-12600 12601-12700 12701-12800 12801-12900 12901-13000 13001-13100 13101-13200 13201-13300 13301-13400 13401-13500 13501-13600 13601-13700 13701-13800 13801-13900 13901-14000 14001-14100 14101-14200 14201-14300 14301-14400 14401-14500 14501-14600 14601-14700 14701-14800 14801-14900 14901-15000 15001-15100 15101-15200 15201-15300 15301-15400 15401-15500 15501-15600 15601-15700 15701-15800 15801-15900 15901-16000 16001-16100 16101-16200 16201-16300 16301-16354
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