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    тема диссертации: «Юридические конфликты и современные формы их разрешения»
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    Тэги : люди, адвокат, павел астахов


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    Felipemealt Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    D&D Xanathar's Guide To Everything
    OK, so the book itself says you can play Dungeons & Dragons with theВ Player's Handbook,В Dungeon Master's Guide andВ Monster Manual. This book, then, is a manifestation of what the Xanathar knows about the various races, classes, spells, traps, and treasures of the world. Looked at another way, Xanathar's Guide to Everything (which I received for free fromВ WotC)В is a Player's Handbook II and Dungeon Master's Guide II to the Monster Manual II that is Volo's Guide to Monsters Here's what I think of it.
    Xanathar's Guide has plenty of new spells for all of the classes - some more than others. The Arcane spellcasting classes get a bunch of new spells to add to their arsenal. Most of the new arcane spells are reprinted from the obscureВ Elemental evil supplement. It's good to have these spells collected for easier access though, and there's enough new spells to justify the purchase. The Guide adds many new summoning spells, necromancy spells for less moral characters, and even a sorcerer exclusive spell.
    Assembled here for the first time is new information on adventurers of every stripe. In addition, you'll find and valuable advice for those of nefarious intent who must deal with such meddling do-gooders, including the Xanathar's Explore a wealth of fantastic new rules options for both players and Dungeon Masters in this supplement for the world's greatest roleplaying game.
    Developers released various D&D playtests on a website for players to try out and give feedback. After about a year these tests were examined to determine what adventurers were looking for. D&D writers used this expansion to fill in any gaps the Tomb of Annihilation had. The best ideas, the ones that added to the game and resonated well with the adventurers, were drafted and went into the 200 pages of Xanathar's Guide to EVerything.
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    Felipemealt Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Spellbook Cards Xanathar's Guide Little Dragon Corp.
    Continuing our series of reviews for Xanathar's Guide to Everything, I cover the new spells introduced in the supplement. Dungeon Master's Tools is the second chapter. It includes articles on a diverse array of subjects like falling, sleeping, adamantine weapons, encounter building or magical items. The most extensive are by far the ones relating to random encounters, traps, and downtime. The first includes countless tables referencing what an adventuring party can encounter in a variety of locales. The Traps sub-chapter is a substantially more elaborate approach on the subject than the one from the Dungeon Master's Guide It includes not only sample simple and complex traps, but also design notes towards creating your own. Downtime on the other hand expands on what can happen in-between adventures. The characters may have rivals working on the background, or purchase magic items which themselves might cause further complications. Those carousing will find two dozen more options and complications, as will those who wish to gamble, craft items, and many more.
    You can now access all of the information, rules and lore from Xanathar's Guide to Everything in the in-app compendium, as well as on the Roll20 web compendium You will also have access to the character creation options from Xanathar's Guide to Everything in the Charactermancer. Xanathar's Guide to Everything is an expansion for the fifth-edition adventure of D&D, Tomb of Annihilation. The expansion is a compilation of new features based on the feedback creators received after releasing various playtests on the web. They included the best features and added to areas players thought could use more depth.
    Developers released various D&D playtests on a website for players to try out and give feedback. After about a year these tests were examined to determine what adventurers were looking for. D&D writers used this expansion to fill in any gaps the Tomb of Annihilation had. The best ideas, the ones that added to the game and resonated well with the adventurers, were drafted and went into the 200 pages of Xanathar's Guide to EVerything.
    THE C RE RULES This book relies on the ru les in the three core ru lebooks T he game especia lly ma kes freque nt use of the rules in chapters 7- 10 of the Player's Handbook: "Using Ability S cores," "Adve ntur ing," "Combat," a nd "Spellcasting." That book's a ppendix A is als crucial; it contains defini tions of conditio ns, like invisible a nd prone Yo u don't need to k now the ru les by heart, but it's helpfuJ to know w he re to find them whe n you need the m If you'r e a DM, you s ho uld a lso k now where to look things up in the Dungeon Mas ter's Guide , especia lly the ru les on how magic ite ms work (see chapte r 7 of th a t book). T he introduction of the Mons ter Manual is your guide on how to use a mons te r's stat block.
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    Felipemealt Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Play D&D? You Need Xanathar's Guide To Everything Crit For Brains
    Continuing our series of reviews for Xanathar's Guide to Everything, I cover the new spells introduced in the supplement. Shameless plug: for more gaming news and content (including, for example, pictures of Xanathar's Guide to Everything that I am unfortunately not able to upload on for the time being), and to better keep track of my reviews, subscribe to my Antonios S facebook and twitter page. Though you don't need this book to play, all that additional content makesВ Xanathar's GuideВ essentially the fourth core rulebook. If you want more class options, spells or DM ideas, you need this book.
    Immolation: Pathetic damage for a spell of this level. Barely better than a fireball, across multiple turns, and requiring you to concentrate. It might not be the worst spell in DnD 5e but it's the worst spell in Xanathar's. Clerics get two of the best subclass options in Xanathar's, both with fantastic flavor. Bards feel like they got a lot of specialization options in Xanathar's, with College of Swords being perhaps my favorite of the new subclasses.
    When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Cha nnel Divinity options. See the Sacred Oath class feature for how Channel Divinity works. Conquering Presence. You can use your Cha nnel Divinity to exude a terrifying presence. As an action, you force each creature of your choice that you can see 3 0 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature becomes frightened of you for 1 minute. The frightened creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a s uccess. Guided Strike. You can use your Cha nnel Divinity to s trike with s upernatura l accuracy. When you make an attack roll, you can use your Channel Divinity to gain a +10 bonus to the roll. You make this choice a fter you see the roll, but before the DM says whether the attack hits or misses.
    You will find the contents of the Character Asset Pack in your Roll20 art library You can quickly find them in your art library under Premium Assets >> Marketplace Purchases >> Xanathar's Guide to Everything Character Asset Pack. You can pull the tokens and art directly to the game board, as well as drag any of the art directly onto your Character Sheet by clicking EDIT on the Bio & Info tab and dragging art directly onto the AVATAR section.
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    Felipemealt Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Dungeons & Dragons Xanathar's Guide To Everything
    Continuing our series of reviews for Xanathar's Guide to Everything, I cover the new spells introduced in the supplement. Dungeon Master's Tools is the second chapter. It includes articles on a diverse array of subjects like falling, sleeping, adamantine weapons, encounter building or magical items. The most extensive are by far the ones relating to random encounters, traps, and downtime. The first includes countless tables referencing what an adventuring party can encounter in a variety of locales. The Traps sub-chapter is a substantially more elaborate approach on the subject than the one from the Dungeon Master's Guide It includes not only sample simple and complex traps, but also design notes towards creating your own. Downtime on the other hand expands on what can happen in-between adventures. The characters may have rivals working on the background, or purchase magic items which themselves might cause further complications. Those carousing will find two dozen more options and complications, as will those who wish to gamble, craft items, and many more.
    The tool section was a great addition. Explaining more clearly what can be done with them as the PHB was majorly Glad to see many of the touch ups they did for the Subclasses, some really needed a polish. But was disappointed to see so many re-prints from Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. Why were they included? Takes away from the value of that book.
    What you get: Your USD 49,95 or equivalent will buy you Xanathar's Guide To Everything, a 192-page full-colour hardcover sourcebook for the Dungeons and Dragons game line As Publisher's Weekly reported in December 2017, two weeks after its release the book skyrocketed to the first place of non-fiction books sold overall, no matter their origin or content. For a printed tabletop roleplaying product nowadays, this is a jaw-gaping achievement.
    With Xanathar's Guide to Everything , players and DMs both find themselves presented with hundreds of new character options and updated mechanic options. With Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes , a history of the multiverse is combined with piles of new racial features and monster stat blogs. Together, they merge into an epic melting pot which creates a whole new sense of the multiverse.
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    Felipemealt Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Dungeons And Dragons Xanathar's Guide To Everything Abubot.ph
    OK, so the book itself says you can play Dungeons & Dragons with theВ Player's Handbook,В Dungeon Master's Guide andВ Monster Manual. This set contains 95 durable, laminated cards that expand options for spellcasters of all types. Now Spellcasters may choose from a wide variety of new spells, ranging from useful cantrips like the befuddling Infestation to the devastating Psychic Scream.В Each card is marked with symbols denoting which classes can cast the spell.В Xanathar's Guide to EverythingВ and the Spellbook Cards includes all the spells previously released as part of theВ Elemental EvilВ storyline.
    Compared to its prior supplement, Volo's Guide to Everything , which effectively expanded on the 5th Edition's Monster Manual, this book is partly an expansion for the Player's Handbook and provides a number of options that can be classified as an expansion to the Dungeon Master's Guide. There are over 25 new subclasses (some a repeats from Princes of the Apocalypse, this was done to qualify the subclasses for the Adventurer's Guild organized play), to mention one significant aspect of the book. Much of the content in this book was compiled and finalized through several public playtests on Wizards of the Coast's Unearthed Arcana section, so you will notice shifts and changes to these details as it went from draft to final form! No Raven Queen patron, as it was combined with the Hexblade (I actively play a Warlock, so I will notice this).
    Xanathar's Guide to Everything has fun, Magical Toys. Indeed, plenty of the content doesn't have any impact on the gameplay whatsoever, such as a guide for generating character backstories or long tables of random names for the DM to consult when players insist on speaking to everyone in the tavern. Spell cards for the new spells from Xanathar's Guide To Everything, for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition (does not include spell cards for the reprinted Elemental Evil spells).
    With Xanathar's Guide to Everything , players and DMs both find themselves presented with hundreds of new character options and updated mechanic options. With Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes , a history of the multiverse is combined with piles of new racial features and monster stat blogs. Together, they merge into an epic melting pot which creates a whole new sense of the multiverse.
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    Felipemealt Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Xanathars Guide To Everything
    OK, so the book itself says you can play Dungeons & Dragons with the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual. As for the title, the book isn't written from Xanathar's point of view (if you don't keep up with this sort of thing, Xanathar is a title assumed by a series of beholders operating a criminal guild in Waterdeep in the Forgotten Realms - he's powerful like all beholders, but I would say that the current Xanathar is not necessarily the sharpest tool in the shed). Xanathar provides his insights” in humorous �notes' at various places in the book, although they are concentrated in the character options section. For example, he notes that one should always try to keep an eye on one's minions and, therefore, one should have only 10 minions, 11 tops.
    It's a little on the pricey side for what you get, but Xanathar's Guide to Everything is an excellent way to upgrade your group's Dungeons & Dragons experience. The first major expansion for the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons will be available at Game Goblins in Little Rock, Ark. Stop by Game Goblins, located on Bowman road in west Little Rock, and chat with us aboutВ Xanathar's Guide to Everything.
    It can be a little tricky to describe what Xanathar's Guide to Everything (XGtE) represents. The core of the book is a wealth of new options for building and playing Dungeons & Dragons characters, but there are also clarifications or refinements of existing rules, as well as fresh advice on encounter- and campaign-building far beyond what you would expect of a simple supplement.
    Possibly the most anticipated aspect of the Xanathar's Guide to Everything expansion is the 30 subclasses introduced to the game. Xanathar's Guide to Everything is available at Game Goblins, located on Bowman Road. If you are interested in learning more about this expansion, or perhaps D&D as a beginner, stop by and learn more about our RPG guild. That trend appears to be sticking with Xanathar's Guide to Everything, the sister book to Volo's Guide to Monsters. The Xanathar is a beholder crimeboss so it's got a few opinions on those pesky heroes” always interrupting its carefully laid plans.
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    Felipemealt Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Xanathar's Guide To Everything Bundle
    OK, so the book itself says you can play Dungeons & Dragons with theВ Player's Handbook,В Dungeon Master's Guide andВ Monster Manual. The characters, themes, cities, factions and history are highly developed to a point where it's possible to spend an entire session simply exploring cities like Waterdeep or Balder's Gate. Famous bard and historian, Volo, authored several guides throughout his time traversing Faerun, making him the authority on matters in the Forgotten Realms. Volo's Guide to Waterdeep cemented my fascination with the well-known, sprawling Faerun city. My introduction to Xanathar through Volo's Guide instantly endeared the character to me, and I even used him in my Tyranny of Dragons campaign a few years ago.
    Want a copy of the Player's Handbook , Monster Manual , or Dungeon Master's Guide ? Click the links, pay the same price, a little comes back to us. D&D overall is supported by third party accessories. Xanathar's Guide to Everything does even better. It has its own dedicated support in Spellbook Cards - Xanathar's Guide We will see that accessory together shortly.
    It's a little on the pricey side for what you get, but Xanathar's Guide to Everything is an excellent way to upgrade your group's Dungeons & Dragons experience. The first major expansion for the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons will be available at Game Goblins in Little Rock, Ark. Stop by Game Goblins, located on Bowman road in west Little Rock, and chat with us aboutВ Xanathar's Guide to Everything.
    A few ele ments that make a battlefield som e thing other than a large a rea of flat ground can go a long way toward spicing up a n e ncounte r. Consider setting your e ncounte r in an area that wou ld provide c halle nges even if a fight were not taking place the re. What potentia l perils or other features might draw the characters' attention, eithe r before or during the fight? Why are monsters lurking in this a rea to begin with-does it offer good hiding places, for instance? To add deta ils to a n encounter area at random, look to the tables in appendix A of the Dungeon Master's Guide to de te rmine room and area features, p ote ntial hazards, obstacles, traps, a nd more.
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    Felipemealt Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    Dungeons And Dragons Xanathar's Guide To Everything Abubot.ph
    OK, so the book itself says you can play Dungeons & Dragons with theВ Player's Handbook,В Dungeon Master's Guide andВ Monster Manual. With Xanathar's Guide to Everything , players and DMs both find themselves presented with hundreds of new character options and updated mechanic options. With Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes , a history of the multiverse is combined with piles of new racial features and monster stat blogs. Together, they merge into an epic melting pot which creates a whole new sense of the multiverse.
    Xanathar's Guide to Everything definitely has a lot of content, but it doesn't have everything. There are no new races and only one new monster, which is part of a spell. However since Volo's Guide came out last year it's not really necessary. There are no new Player backgrounds in the book. With all the new archetypes it's surprising that we didn't get any new backgrounds to go with them. There are no new items aside from the common magic items, which might disappoint a few people who were hoping for a new weapon or tool.
    Xanather's Guide to Everything is an all-encompassing supplement and compendium for both players and DMs, though geared much more towards players. Its biggest feature are new subclasses for every single class, opening a lot more variety and player builds, while also including firm rules on frequent rules questions and options, such as downtime, magic item distribution, and detailed usage for tool proficiencies.
    Much of this expansion is new toys and spells to use on quests. They might seem unhelpful. Don't count them off just yet. Xanathar's Guide to Everything updates rules regarding trap building and more. This gives the Dungeon Master more room to be creative. For use with the fifth edition Player's HandbookВ®, Monster ManualВ®, and Dungeon Master's GuideВ®.
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    PatrickEl Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    <a href=https://savepice.ru><img src="https://cdn1.savepice.ru/uploads/2019/8/25/a488f10a23a0b91beb8c8d595e962637-full.jpg"></a> <a href=https://savepice.ru/upload-image/>upload image</a>

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    почта: remzavod2012@mail.ru

    VictoriaEl Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
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    Конфорка предназначена для кухонных плит с наплитной посудой, применяемых на предприятиях общественного питания.


    Конфорка представляет собой сборно-разборный нагревательный элемент состоящий из чугунного корпуса, ТЭНов, теплоизоляционного материала и защитного металлического кожуха(крышка), корпус окрашен термостойкой эмалью. Конфорка является ремонтопригодной.

    Комфорка КЭТ-0,12 подходит для установки на плиты следующих моделей:

    — Чувашторгтехника: ЭП-6ЖП, ЭП-4ЖП, ЭП-6П;

    — Тулатехмаш: ПЭЖШ;

    — Тулаторгтехника: ПЭ-0,24, ПЭ-0,48, ПЭ-0,72;

    — Гомельторгмаш: ПЭМ-4-010, ПЭМ-2-020, ЭПК-48, ПЭЖШ;

    — Тверьторгтехника: ПЭСМ-4;

    Данная продукция соответствует требованиям ТР ТС 004/2011 «О безопасности низковольтного оборудования», декларации о соответствии: ЕАЭС N RU Д-RU.КА01.В.09213/19

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    Площадь рабочей поверхности, м2 0,12

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    Вид тока переменный

    Температура рабочей поверхности, С не более 400

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    Число ТЭНов, шт 2

    Режимы работы слабый, средний, сильный,

    <b>Контактные телефоны:</b>
    Отдел снабжения: 8 (8362) 64-23-00
    Отдел сбыта : 8 (8362) 64-29-72
    Приемная: 8 (8362) 64-28-54
    Бухгалтерия: 8 (8362) 64-26-59
    График работы: пн-пт 8:00–17:00
    почта: remzavod2012@mail.ru

    TrinityEl Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    <a href=https://savepice.ru><img src="https://cdn1.savepice.ru/uploads/2019/8/25/a488f10a23a0b91beb8c8d595e962637-full.jpg"></a> <a href=https://savepice.ru/upload-image/>upload image</a>

    Конфорка предназначена для кухонных плит с наплитной посудой, применяемых на предприятиях общественного питания.


    Конфорка представляет собой сборно-разборный нагревательный элемент состоящий из чугунного корпуса, ТЭНов, теплоизоляционного материала и защитного металлического кожуха(крышка), корпус окрашен термостойкой эмалью. Конфорка является ремонтопригодной.

    Комфорка КЭТ-0,12 подходит для установки на плиты следующих моделей:

    — Чувашторгтехника: ЭП-6ЖП, ЭП-4ЖП, ЭП-6П;

    — Тулатехмаш: ПЭЖШ;

    — Тулаторгтехника: ПЭ-0,24, ПЭ-0,48, ПЭ-0,72;

    — Гомельторгмаш: ПЭМ-4-010, ПЭМ-2-020, ЭПК-48, ПЭЖШ;

    — Тверьторгтехника: ПЭСМ-4;

    Данная продукция соответствует требованиям ТР ТС 004/2011 «О безопасности низковольтного оборудования», декларации о соответствии: ЕАЭС N RU Д-RU.КА01.В.09213/19

    Гарантийный срок эксплуатации 12 месяцев


    Площадь рабочей поверхности, м2 0,12

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    Число ТЭНов, шт 2

    Режимы работы слабый, средний, сильный,

    <b>Контактные телефоны:</b>
    Отдел снабжения: 8 (8362) 64-23-00
    Отдел сбыта : 8 (8362) 64-29-72
    Приемная: 8 (8362) 64-28-54
    Бухгалтерия: 8 (8362) 64-26-59
    График работы: пн-пт 8:00–17:00
    почта: remzavod2012@mail.ru

    ZoeEl Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    <a href=https://savepice.ru><img src="https://cdn1.savepice.ru/uploads/2019/8/25/a488f10a23a0b91beb8c8d595e962637-full.jpg"></a> <a href=https://savepice.ru/upload-image/>upload image</a>

    Конфорка предназначена для кухонных плит с наплитной посудой, применяемых на предприятиях общественного питания.


    Конфорка представляет собой сборно-разборный нагревательный элемент состоящий из чугунного корпуса, ТЭНов, теплоизоляционного материала и защитного металлического кожуха(крышка), корпус окрашен термостойкой эмалью. Конфорка является ремонтопригодной.

    Комфорка КЭТ-0,12 подходит для установки на плиты следующих моделей:

    — Чувашторгтехника: ЭП-6ЖП, ЭП-4ЖП, ЭП-6П;

    — Тулатехмаш: ПЭЖШ;

    — Тулаторгтехника: ПЭ-0,24, ПЭ-0,48, ПЭ-0,72;

    — Гомельторгмаш: ПЭМ-4-010, ПЭМ-2-020, ЭПК-48, ПЭЖШ;

    — Тверьторгтехника: ПЭСМ-4;

    Данная продукция соответствует требованиям ТР ТС 004/2011 «О безопасности низковольтного оборудования», декларации о соответствии: ЕАЭС N RU Д-RU.КА01.В.09213/19

    Гарантийный срок эксплуатации 12 месяцев


    Площадь рабочей поверхности, м2 0,12

    Размеры рабочей поверхности, мм 415х295

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    Температура рабочей поверхности, С не более 400

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    Число ТЭНов, шт 2

    Режимы работы слабый, средний, сильный,

    <b>Контактные телефоны:</b>
    Отдел снабжения: 8 (8362) 64-23-00
    Отдел сбыта : 8 (8362) 64-29-72
    Приемная: 8 (8362) 64-28-54
    Бухгалтерия: 8 (8362) 64-26-59
    График работы: пн-пт 8:00–17:00
    почта: remzavod2012@mail.ru

    MadisonEl Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    <a href=https://savepice.ru><img src="https://cdn1.savepice.ru/uploads/2019/8/25/a488f10a23a0b91beb8c8d595e962637-full.jpg"></a> <a href=https://savepice.ru/upload-image/>upload image</a>

    Конфорка предназначена для кухонных плит с наплитной посудой, применяемых на предприятиях общественного питания.


    Конфорка представляет собой сборно-разборный нагревательный элемент состоящий из чугунного корпуса, ТЭНов, теплоизоляционного материала и защитного металлического кожуха(крышка), корпус окрашен термостойкой эмалью. Конфорка является ремонтопригодной.

    Комфорка КЭТ-0,12 подходит для установки на плиты следующих моделей:

    — Чувашторгтехника: ЭП-6ЖП, ЭП-4ЖП, ЭП-6П;

    — Тулатехмаш: ПЭЖШ;

    — Тулаторгтехника: ПЭ-0,24, ПЭ-0,48, ПЭ-0,72;

    — Гомельторгмаш: ПЭМ-4-010, ПЭМ-2-020, ЭПК-48, ПЭЖШ;

    — Тверьторгтехника: ПЭСМ-4;

    Данная продукция соответствует требованиям ТР ТС 004/2011 «О безопасности низковольтного оборудования», декларации о соответствии: ЕАЭС N RU Д-RU.КА01.В.09213/19

    Гарантийный срок эксплуатации 12 месяцев


    Площадь рабочей поверхности, м2 0,12

    Размеры рабочей поверхности, мм 415х295

    Мощность, кВт 3

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    Номинальное напряжение, В 220

    Число ТЭНов, шт 2

    Режимы работы слабый, средний, сильный,

    <b>Контактные телефоны:</b>
    Отдел снабжения: 8 (8362) 64-23-00
    Отдел сбыта : 8 (8362) 64-29-72
    Приемная: 8 (8362) 64-28-54
    Бухгалтерия: 8 (8362) 64-26-59
    График работы: пн-пт 8:00–17:00
    почта: remzavod2012@mail.ru

    KevinEl Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    <a href=https://savepice.ru><img src="https://cdn1.savepice.ru/uploads/2019/8/25/a488f10a23a0b91beb8c8d595e962637-full.jpg"></a> <a href=https://savepice.ru/upload-image/>upload image</a>

    Конфорка предназначена для кухонных плит с наплитной посудой, применяемых на предприятиях общественного питания.


    Конфорка представляет собой сборно-разборный нагревательный элемент состоящий из чугунного корпуса, ТЭНов, теплоизоляционного материала и защитного металлического кожуха(крышка), корпус окрашен термостойкой эмалью. Конфорка является ремонтопригодной.

    Комфорка КЭТ-0,12 подходит для установки на плиты следующих моделей:

    — Чувашторгтехника: ЭП-6ЖП, ЭП-4ЖП, ЭП-6П;

    — Тулатехмаш: ПЭЖШ;

    — Тулаторгтехника: ПЭ-0,24, ПЭ-0,48, ПЭ-0,72;

    — Гомельторгмаш: ПЭМ-4-010, ПЭМ-2-020, ЭПК-48, ПЭЖШ;

    — Тверьторгтехника: ПЭСМ-4;

    Данная продукция соответствует требованиям ТР ТС 004/2011 «О безопасности низковольтного оборудования», декларации о соответствии: ЕАЭС N RU Д-RU.КА01.В.09213/19

    Гарантийный срок эксплуатации 12 месяцев


    Площадь рабочей поверхности, м2 0,12

    Размеры рабочей поверхности, мм 415х295

    Мощность, кВт 3

    Тип комфорки Чугунное литье

    Вид тока переменный

    Температура рабочей поверхности, С не более 400

    Номинальное напряжение, В 220

    Число ТЭНов, шт 2

    Режимы работы слабый, средний, сильный,

    <b>Контактные телефоны:</b>
    Отдел снабжения: 8 (8362) 64-23-00
    Отдел сбыта : 8 (8362) 64-29-72
    Приемная: 8 (8362) 64-28-54
    Бухгалтерия: 8 (8362) 64-26-59
    График работы: пн-пт 8:00–17:00
    почта: remzavod2012@mail.ru

    HoraceEl Добавлено 01.01.1970 03:00
    <a href=https://savepice.ru><img src="https://cdn1.savepice.ru/uploads/2019/8/25/a488f10a23a0b91beb8c8d595e962637-full.jpg"></a> <a href=https://savepice.ru/upload-image/>upload image</a>

    Конфорка предназначена для кухонных плит с наплитной посудой, применяемых на предприятиях общественного питания.


    Конфорка представляет собой сборно-разборный нагревательный элемент состоящий из чугунного корпуса, ТЭНов, теплоизоляционного материала и защитного металлического кожуха(крышка), корпус окрашен термостойкой эмалью. Конфорка является ремонтопригодной.

    Комфорка КЭТ-0,12 подходит для установки на плиты следующих моделей:

    — Чувашторгтехника: ЭП-6ЖП, ЭП-4ЖП, ЭП-6П;

    — Тулатехмаш: ПЭЖШ;

    — Тулаторгтехника: ПЭ-0,24, ПЭ-0,48, ПЭ-0,72;

    — Гомельторгмаш: ПЭМ-4-010, ПЭМ-2-020, ЭПК-48, ПЭЖШ;

    — Тверьторгтехника: ПЭСМ-4;

    Данная продукция соответствует требованиям ТР ТС 004/2011 «О безопасности низковольтного оборудования», декларации о соответствии: ЕАЭС N RU Д-RU.КА01.В.09213/19

    Гарантийный срок эксплуатации 12 месяцев


    Площадь рабочей поверхности, м2 0,12

    Размеры рабочей поверхности, мм 415х295

    Мощность, кВт 3

    Тип комфорки Чугунное литье

    Вид тока переменный

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    Номинальное напряжение, В 220

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    Режимы работы слабый, средний, сильный,

    <b>Контактные телефоны:</b>
    Отдел снабжения: 8 (8362) 64-23-00
    Отдел сбыта : 8 (8362) 64-29-72
    Приемная: 8 (8362) 64-28-54
    Бухгалтерия: 8 (8362) 64-26-59
    График работы: пн-пт 8:00–17:00
    почта: remzavod2012@mail.ru

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