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    Самый популярный ведущий - Иван Ургант   

    Иван Ургант - сын известного актера и телеведущего Андрея Урганта.

    (ниже кадр из кинофильма "Любовь-Морковь 2")

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    Иван Ургант биография

        Родился 16 апреля 1978 года в Ленинграде в молодой актерской семье. Не прошло и года, как молодая актерская семья развалилась, но уже тогда Иван решил стать артистом. За годы стояния за кулисами, подсматривания в гримерки великих артистов, игр с бутафорскими бородами и зависти Феде Стукову, это желание крепло и росло. “Артист должен уметь все”, - часто говаривал отец Ивана, Андрей Ургант. Поэтому количество детских увлечений Ивана все время росло, приближаясь к числу “три”. Музыка, спорт и песни Михаила Боярского - вот, пожалуй, те три кита на которых держалось его детство.

        Закончив гимназию при Государственном Русском музее, он с удивлением обнаружил себя на втором курсе Петербургской академии театрального искусства. “А как же первый?”, - спросил Иван своего мастера, народного артиста России А. Ю. Толубеева. “Все нормально!”, - сказал мастер, лукаво подмигивая фотографии Андрея Урганта. Обнаружив на курсе других актерских детей, Иван понял, что мастер лукаво подмигивал фотографиям многих артистов.

        Учась в академии, Иван вместе с прекрасной и любимой им актрисой А. Фрейндлих сыграл в спектакле ГАБДТ им. Г. А. Товстоногова “Макбет”, где Алиса Бруновна играла леди Макбет, а он - стражника N12. С тех пор прошло уже много лет, но он всегда с теплотой вспоминает те четыре спектакля.

        Вскоре, в его мятежную юность постучалась корявая рука нужды. Он стал забывать текст и путать мизансцены. Беззубая ухмылка голода корчилась то в одной, то в другой кулисе. Он стал с интересом поглядывать на манящие вывески ночных клубов. Начав работать в одном из них официантом, в другом он уже пел испанские песни, а в третьем стал вести ночные шоу, где единственным одетым человеком на сцене был именно он.

        Два года посвятив разглядыванию собственного отражения в бутылках с дорогим коньяком и в тускло светящихся глазах ночных бабочек, он покинул эту обитель порока, и, став вольным художником, вспомнил об одном из своих детских увлечений - музыке. При непосредственном участии певца Максима Леонидова, папы и самого себя, он записал альбом собственных песен на компакт-диск, который с тех пор является украшением фонотеки Ивана.

        В 1999 году судьба приоткрыла для Ивана калитку ведущую в прекрасный мир Санкт-Петербургских радиостанций. Полгода он проработал на радиостанции “Супер-радио”, где количество слушателей приблизительно равнялось количеству диджеев. Параллельно на Пятом канале Петербургского телевидения он вел программу “Петербургский курьер”, которая повествовала о нелегких буднях кондитерских фабрик, деревообрабатывающих заводов и туристических фирм. Он целиком посвятил себя высокому искусству. Потом “Супер-радио” уступило место cначала “Русскому радио”, а потом - “Хит-ФМ”, а Пятый канал уступил место каналу MTV. В настоящее время ведущий программы “Смак”.

    Иван Ургант живёт в Москве, на выходные уезжает в Санкт-Петербург.

    Увлечения: фотография, путешествия и все, что связано с театром и кино.

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    Гражданская жена Ивана Урганта - Татьяна Геворкян. Известная ведущая MTV.

    Они жили вместе еще тогда, когда Ургант лишь только пришел работать на MTV и был одним из нескольких виджеев этого канала.

    Расставшись с Татьяной Геворкян, Иван ненадолго оставался в одиночестве. Приехав в Петербург «на побывку» к родителям, он неожиданно встретился со своей одноклассницей Натальей Кикнадзе

    Нынешняя официальная жена Ивана Урганта - Наталья Кикнадзе - его бывшая одноклассница.





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    We asked the urologist-andrologist of the clinic of the medical center Sergey Sergeevich klass: they say, what do men most often ask you at your appointments? It turned out that every second patient asks a question about a morning erection. And the doctor was carried away — he told us a lot of interesting things: we read and try on ourselves, men! In fact, the lack of a morning erection is not a cause for concern. During sleep, there are three to five spontaneous erections, and nighttime ones are equated with morning ones: - normally, every day in the morning, there is no arousal for no reason, which lies on the bed next to it, and there should not be, especially after 25 years; - you can not notice spontaneous erections because they happen at night in a dream. Here is a real example: a patient comes in and wants to be circumcised. When asked about morning and night erections, he shakes his head: "No, it's been a long time." Okay, we're doing the circumcision, at the checkup.: "Wow, how often he wakes me up at night." In a dream, an erection occurs, the stitches are stretched, the patient feels and
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    Symptoms of impotence Doctors identify six main criteria on the basis of which a man can be considered impotent: * if he is unable to experience sexual attraction; * if he is unable to achieve a sufficient erection, although he feels sexual desire;
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    • if it is unable to perform frictional movements for the required time;
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    if he is unable to experience an orgasm as a result.
    Types of impotence There are two types of impotence – organic and psychogenic. Organic impotence is a physiological disorder. These include, for example, urological diseases, endocrine disorders, and vascular diseases. This pathology progresses slowly. Periodically, there is no erection, gradually failures become more frequent. With organic impotence, sexual attraction to a partner, a relative erection, sometimes persists
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    The main causes of erectile dysfunction are various vascular diseases, diabetes, lack of testosterone and injuries. This disease affects more than 200 million men in Europe and America, and according to statistics, more than 50 percent of men over the age of 40 experience such problems and are at risk of eventual loss of potency.

    In 80% of cases, erectile dysfunction is the result of diseases that are not related to mental activity (somatic).

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    the side effect of drugs, and those that provoke the development of erectile dysfunction, quite a lot: a number of drugs of the group of antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, hypolipidemic, psychotropic.
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    Among the psychogenic causes of erectile dysfunction, various types of depression, stress and restless states should be noted. Erections in men do not occur at all where we see and feel them - they are born in the head. Erectile dysfunction is psychogenic in nature, and when it does not occur from excessive excitement, experts call this condition "the syndrome of waiting for failure". This is not yet a disease, a single "puncture" is almost the norm. It is bad when such a state takes root and becomes habitual.

    A decrease in sexual desire against the background of severe physical or mental fatigue is also a normal protective reaction of the body. If you are tired, you should rest. Therefore, with increased loads, the body is protected by a decrease in sexual desire. This is so common that it has its own name - manager syndrome.
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    Get organized. Buy a separate folder and notebook for each item. Being organized allows for easier access to the information you need, which means it will become easier to study. Throw away old assignments and notes if you no longer need them. Always have a weekly schedule of lessons or couples, a notebook and a pen with you.
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    Your workplace should also be organized, like any other place related to study and classes (for example, a desk at school). If your desk is occupied with unnecessary things, then it will be more difficult for you to decide to clear it, let alone study at it. In addition, in a mess it is much more difficult to find the right things, which can also interfere with your studies.
    Make friends with smart people. More precisely, make friends with smart people and use your friendship to your advantage. Of course, many of your friends are already smart, but can you remember at least one time when you met outside of school or university to do homework?
    Spend a lot of time with their company, even if you are just watching them do. Learn their good habits and learning habits. If you are in the same class or group, set aside time to discuss the course material at least once a week, rather than discussing your teachers and classmates.
    Sit next to them in the class / audience. When you see your friend regularly reach out and answer the teacher's questions, you definitely won't be able to shift your attention to anything else.
    Make friends with people who have already completed this course. Communicate not only with excellent students, but also with those who have already completed the program of your subject. Many teachers and professors give similar assignments and tests every year, and if your friends have assignments from last year, you are better off!
    These pupils / students can also tell you in detail about the different teachers and their teaching style. Knowing ahead of time how to best communicate with your teacher will give you a clear edge in the classroom.
    Use your time wisely. You are probably already tired of hearing this from your parents, but this moment is more relevant than ever if you want to study perfectly well. To be able to do everything in one short day - lessons, sports, music school, proper nutrition and sleep (yes, the last two points are also very important!) - you need to learn how to manage your time. But how?
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    The first thing you need to do is create a schedule for each day. Prioritize your most important things and spend more time on them. Prioritizing this way will help you create a good schedule with ease. Of course, once you've made your schedule, don't forget to follow it.
    Be realistic. For example, don't plan on doing eight straight hours every day. First, it's just unrealistic. Second, you’ll get so tired after the first day that the next day, you’ll likely decide not to get out of bed at all, or spend all day watching TV with a large plate of junk food.
    Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today! If you need to write an essay, start now. If you have a test or exam on the way, start preparing today. Even if you think you function better under the pressure of stress, do at least a small part of the work now. You cannot afford the time to worry about a failed assignment the night before the deadline.
    Find a new place to study. If you are sitting at home or in a dorm, and the TV is always flashing in front of your eyes, you probably often break loose and watch TV instead of getting ready for class. To avoid this, start studying outside the home, such as in the library. It is important that the place is quiet and that there is nothing to distract your attention from your lessons. Have you ever caught yourself reading a few pages, but have no idea what exactly you just read? In order not to find yourself in such a situation, study in the library, where you can concentrate on the task and on nothing else.
    At the very least, arrange for a space in your home specifically for class. You don't want to fall asleep every night feeling guilty about going to bed and not getting ready for a test! Free your desk or sofa / chair just for study. This tactic will help your brain get used to and be ready to learn when you occupy that “special” seat.
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    — In recent years, there have been more complaints with the problem of erectile dysfunction, but I can not connect this with the deterioration of health. Rather, this is due to the greater awareness of the population, access to medical resources on the Internet and the availability of counseling in urological offices. Patients have become younger, and this is also easily explained: the problem is more worrying for men of fertile age, and they are easier to see a doctor even with minor manifestations of erectile dysfunction.

    As for the drugs currently available in the pharmaceutical market for improving potency, they can be prescribed to patients with different forms of erectile dysfunction as a means with proven effectiveness. There are no age restrictions.

    How does an erection pill work?
    - The principle of action of the pill is in the temporary effect on the biochemical processes in the erectile tissue, as a result of which the blood filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis increases. This vascular reaction occurs only under the influence of sexual stimuli, which is very important. About ten years ago, injectable drugs were used, causing an artificial erection without sexual stimulation immediately after being injected into the cavernous body. It was very uncomfortable.

    How long does the tablet "work"?
    - The effect of the tablets is different. On average, 3-5 hours, which is enough in most cases. Some new analogues work longer — up to 12-24 hours.

    The duration of the action is a matter of choice. Many sexually active men choose one pill to keep fit all weekend. This is convenient: you don't have to hide anything, think about anything. Some patients report a long-term positive effect on the erection – up to 5-7 days, which may be associated with a psychogenic effect.

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    — The quality of sex, these drugs definitely improve, if the dosage is correctly selected, which reduces the likelihood of already minor side effects. All men strive for longer sex and shorter intervals between orgasms: for them, this is a confirmation of their masculine strength.

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    What is a diploma A thesis is a written scientific research on a topic related to the graduate's specialty, in which he demonstrates the correspondence of the acquired volume of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to federal educational standards. The FQP, or diploma, of a specialist, depending on the specifics of the direction of study, can be carried out in the form of: thesis - in most cases it is written by students studying natural, humanitarian, social sciences or mastering creative professions, in order to systematize the theoretical baggage acquired at the university and show possession of the skills necessary for independent work; thesis project - it is usually done by graduates of technical universities and applied specialties, since it implies performing calculations that confirm the solution of specific practical problems proposed by the author, or contains design elements - the development of methods, models, instructions, programs, technologies, business plans ... "Techies" can also write a thesis if the research is of a fundamental academic nature, for example, in the field of physics, and, on the contrary, the humanities are able to make a full-fledged project with an example of an innovative algorithm for conducting a poll or a progressive methodology for collecting and processing data. Only medical students need to think about how to write a diploma - to confirm their qualifications, they pass state exams and undergo primary professional accreditation (with rare exceptions: for example, future doctors and pharmacists mastering their specialties at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, after all write diplomas). The rest of the graduates of higher educational institutions cannot do without writing a FQP specialist (or bachelor's, master's) to successfully complete their studies. How to write a thesis Both project and research theses are written under the guidance of a scientific curator - a teacher of the graduating department, who is assigned to the student after choosing a topic. It can be selected from the list provided by the university or offered independently: the main thing is that it corresponds to the specialty and lends itself to the most complete disclosure within the framework of the study. To write a diploma easier, you need to find a middle ground: the topic should not be "hackneyed" or too rare. Otherwise, it will be difficult to find aspects that are not covered by anyone and, on the contrary, to select materials for development, analysis, argumentation, comparison.
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    The next stage is complex and consists in defining goals, objectives, research methods, selection and systematization of relevant literature and parallel drawing up of a thesis plan, which is a preliminary outline of the structure and content of future student scientific work. When familiarizing with the sources of information, one should take into account their novelty. The periods of obsolescence of educational literature are established by order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1623 of April 11, 2001: for a general humanitarian, socio-economic profile and special disciplines - five years; for general professional, natural science, mathematical subjects - ten years. The measures of relevance do not relate to sources of in-depth fundamental study of the issue. It does not stipulate the order and terms after which research publications: articles, dissertations, reports, etc., are considered outdated, but university regulatory controllers, when checking their thesis for compliance with standards, are almost always guided by the requirements set for textbooks. For informational purposes, no one forbids using them, but in order to avoid sending the finished diploma for revision, it is better to include only works no older than five years in the list of used literature. In January 2017, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science entered into force No. 1651, canceling the effect of orders No. 1623 and No. 133, which regulated the provision of university libraries with scientific and educational literature (it was in them that the terms of its obsolescence were prescribed). The new document aroused a lot of questions from the experts of the academic community, and the official answers of the department to them did not clarify the situation, so teachers still prefer to adhere to the old standards, determining the "expiration date" of the sources used to write the thesis. Algorithm of writing The scheme of work on a diploma is standard for all students - according to a single algorithm, graduates who write both project and research FQPs go to future defense. First of all, you need to decide on a supervisor, then choose a topic. It is approved before the start of the pre-diploma practice, to which the student is sent with the assignment for the FQP signed by the head of the department.
    The structure of the thesis According to the generally accepted rules for writing a diploma, its main part should consist of three chapters: First (at least three paragraphs). Written on the basis of a synthesis and analysis of theoretical information gleaned from selected sources; reveals the central concepts, the essence of a phenomenon or process, different points of view on the object and subject of research. Second (at least three subsections). Assigned to factual material and analysis of the problem; contains statistical information with quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the phenomenon under consideration, a statement of the identified trends and shortcomings in its state and development. Third (the minimum number of paragraphs is three). Dedicated to developing a solution to a problem. His diploma student proposes on the basis of the second chapter with scientific justification, for which the theoretical provisions of the first are involved. The chapters should be approximately equal in length. At the final stage, a conclusion, an introduction, a final list of used literature are drawn up and a block with annexes is completed. How to properly draw up a thesis In student memos and on their official websites, all universities must post detailed methodological recommendations containing requirements for a diploma. They indicate: volume - how many pages in the diploma should be; structure - how many chapters to divide the study, what to write in the introduction and conclusion; what materials should be included in the attachments and how to number them; technical regulations - where to put down, from which sheet to start pagination, what font to use for text and headings, how to indent the paragraph and margins, line spacing; the number of sources in the bibliographic list; permissible percentage of uniqueness when checking for plagiarism. Most universities and institutes include in methodological collections: a template for the title page; forms of reviews, annotations, reviews; sample bibliography; examples of the design of references, footnotes, formulas, tables, figures, diagrams, photos. It remains only to carefully check with the university standard and follow the recommendations, since the normative control will be meticulously carried out precisely according to the points of the manual, and only then relying on GOSTs. Average requirements for a thesis: Volume - 50-70 pages, excluding attachments and, as a rule, bibliography. The number of sources is at least 40, and 70% are publications not older than five years. The bibliographic list is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.80-2000, 7.1-2003, 7.0.5-2008, 7.0.1-2011. Times New Roman in black, 14th for text, 15th for subheadings, 16th for headings. The interval is 1.5. Margins - at least 2 cm to the left, bottom and top; 1.5 cm - on the right. Printing is only one-sided. The standard of uniqueness of the diploma: humanities - 80%, exact - 75%.
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    And I'll tell you about the secrets of excellence in this article. Christina, please read and study perfectly as you wanted. I hope that my recommendations will help you and other students who also want to study at the same A's.

    In any case, remember that the main thing in school is knowledge, so you need to know first of all, and an excellent grade is a consequence of good studies.

    And if you have your secrets or want to share your impressions, please write in the comments. If my article was useful to you, put your thumbs up and share links with your friends so that they also know how you can do well at school.
    The most interesting thing was that she studied only one grade. Studying well doesn't just mean getting A's. Not everyone is A's. Yes, you need talent to study for A's. Learn to learn. We all have to learn something. Therefore, if, of course, you really want to start learning from only A's, you have to constantly ask “why”.

    Be practical about your studies. Work in the classroom. Get organized. Learn and do your homework in chunks. Write down everything important there, in particular - homework exercises, etc. By the way, it is necessary to write down at the moment when the teacher dictates it, and not later. If you hear that you will have a test soon, write down the date to prepare.

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    Analyze this connection and learn how to work better with information. This is an obligatory and important point. Do your homework, even if it won't be checked. The deeper you go into the subject, the better. Homework is designed to help you consolidate what you have passed, so ... If nothing was asked at home, read the textbook.

    Consistency is important in everything, and in studies too. Practice regularly, review what you have gone through, do not think that you can learn everything in the evening before day X, turn in all the work on time, etc.
    If you start doing your homework early, it will give you time to ask the teacher questions that will arise in the course of work, and this is a direct path to the top five. Do your homework in a designated area. You need a table, a minimum of irritants and an understanding that learning is a habit. It doesn't matter if it's online or in the library - read books about what you teach. The more you learn, the better your grades will be.

    If you have a problem with this, look online for clues. Yes, sometimes literally everything bothers us: outside the window a construction site, the TV screaming, relatives yelling, noise, din ... Nevertheless, learn to overcome this and concentrate. Sometimes you just need to understand that it may be difficult for you to achieve complete success in something.

    Whatever the teacher asked, this girl always knew the answer. She never made a single mistake. And once there was a lesson in natural history in their school in the third quarter. And one boy quietly hid behind the closet, he wanted to overhear what the teacher would talk about with this Sveta. The boy's whole face burned out, and now he goes to school wearing a mask. Either in the mask of a monkey, now in the mask of Spider-Man.

    Ask a lot of questions - get a lot of answers - broaden your horizons and one day you will understand the material that you have not studied yet! Use the knowledge of other people. Not in the sense of "cheat", no. We mean something else! Ask for advice and tips from friends, adults, teachers, study how others solved this or that problem.
    Do your homework carefully and thoroughly, leaving nothing for later. This approach will not only make life easier, but will help in learning. Let's say that on the weekend, do some of the tasks on Saturday, and some on Sunday. Do not forget, however, to study those subjects that you will need, if not at all in the future, then at least for admission. Try and don't give up! Never give up, work and you will succeed.

    You can study perfectly well and not sit at the same time constantly at textbooks, forgetting about everything else. You don't have to learn the bare facts. Because of this, people do not become smarter, and they do not learn to analyze. Everything will be clearer if you take the new information apart. This will make it easier to learn. In one school a new girl came to one third grade.
    You need to please the teacher, that is, become a favorite. As strange as it may be, if a teacher likes a student, he does not try to fail him on exams, tests. What needs to be done to make the teacher like it? Try to ask more questions in the lesson, show that the lesson is interesting to you. Suggest any ideas on the topic of the lesson. If the teacher sees that the student is showing interest in the subject, he will always go to the meeting, give an easier task, and improve the grade. And also at teacher meetings will notice the positive mood of such a student. Accordingly, this will lead to the fact that other teachers will be positively disposed towards this student.
    Even if you don't like the subject at all, and accordingly the teacher, since he requires you to learn the rules by heart, etc. etc. Such a teacher should definitely give compliments. For example: How interesting you are! After your lessons, I develop an interest in a subject that may seem like a normal school routine to others. You have so many interesting school manuals and tables in your class. I immediately want to learn. Very cozy class. You are doing so much for our class! Teach us. Everyone should try to do better. You should be given the Teacher of the Year award!
    Make abstracts. The best way to improve your grades in a subject is to ask your teacher to give you an assignment to write a paper. An essay allows you not to learn the subject, but just beautifully rewrite the desired topic and arrange it. Teachers have a positive attitude towards this method and are happy to give students essays. If you want to get an A, at least you need to rewrite 5 sheets and draw some drawings. In general, the abstract should be such that the teacher AHNUL! Then the top five is provided.
    Active community service helps to improve grades to the five. This is on duty, participation in events and celebrations, sports competitions, drawing posters, etc., etc. When teachers see that the student is immersed in some kind of school activity, they understand that you do not have time to thoroughly work on the lessons. Therefore, when an opportunity is given somewhere to take part in school activities and amateur performances, be sure to volunteer.
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    — The quality of sex, these drugs definitely improve, if the dosage is correctly selected, which reduces the likelihood of already minor side effects. All men strive for longer sex and shorter intervals between orgasms: for them, this is a confirmation of their masculine strength.

    Men think less about the quality of the orgasm itself if a woman achieves satisfaction with longer sex. In addition, a multi-orgasm is always qualitatively better than a single one.

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    - Take the pill "on demand" about an hour before sexual intercourse, but no more than once a day. There are no side effects with prolonged use, the effect of addiction or a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug does not occur over time.
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    - Of course. For healthy men, to achieve a longer duration of sexual intercourse or reduce the recovery time, you can take the pill without harm to your health, if there are no contraindications to taking the drug.

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    - Analogues of the brand-name tablet itself work and are used. Belarusian versions of the drug are effective and do not cause complaints from patients, but are cheaper. I think this is the best value for money.

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    - Contraindications to the use, in general, one-taking nitrates for the treatment of angina. In this case, taking a "pill for sex" can be dangerous because of the syndrome of "stealing" the heart muscle and the development of a myocardial infarction. Here you need other means, with a less pronounced vascular reaction.

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    - Female sexuality is based on and depends on a huge number of factors — one pill is powerless. A woman has too many" buttons " to push, and a man has only one. Therefore, the" female " way to increase sexual activity is love, and it does not fit into the shell of the pill.
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    To an actor whose career had just begun, such a prospect seemed terrible. He just managed to light up, playing the main role in the series "Agency " Moonlight", which brought him not only the love of the public and the Emmy Award, but also a good income: for each episode, Bruce received 50 thousand dollars.
    For a guy from the American outback, who recently starred in second-rate films and commercials, and in his spare time traveled on roller skates to one of the New York bars, where he worked as a waiter, participation in the popular series was a great success. The producers liked the unknown actor so much that instead of a cameo role, he was taken as a partner by Sybil Shepard herself, an affair with whom he was immediately attributed to the American tabloids.
    In fact, Bruce was attracted to a completely different woman. In 1987, at the premiere of the film "Surveillance", he met an aspiring actress and the fiancee of the performer of the main role, Demi Moore, and fell madly in love with her. Demi, like him, was a drinker (for which she was even treated at the clinic) and a carousel. The relationship developed rapidly, and three months later the couple got married. Soon after, their first daughter, Rumer Glenn, was born. Willis ' film career also took off. After the success of the series, he was bombarded with offers. And suddenly this hateful bald spot, outlined in the hair...
    The film actor has many companions in misfortune. According to statistics, 70-75% of men suffer from some form of baldness. Why do some people have thick hair until old age, while others have three hairs in seven rows in their 20s and 30s?

    "Most balding men fail their genes," explains Georgy ABRAMOV, a trichologist at the Center for Modern Medicine. – Their hair follicle cells are particularly sensitive to a form of the male sex hormone testosterone – dihydrotestosterone, which gradually suppresses hair growth."

    There is another option – an excessive increase in the level of male hormones. Most often, this is an individual feature.
    In some cases, male hormones have nothing to do with it at all. For example, some anti-dandruff shampoos act as a scrub and damage the scalp. The cause of hair loss can be osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, malfunctions of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, and finally, a lack of trace elements. The latter most often occurs against the background of problems of the digestive system, which do not allow you to fully break down food and absorb protein and vitamins. The resulting meager energy resource goes primarily to the more important organs – the heart, the brain, and the hair starves.

    A sure companion of baldness is stress: regular spasm of the blood vessels that nourish the hair leads to its loss. Therefore, the message that the Brussels scientists ranked hypnosis as a means of combating baldness should not be treated too critically. They attribute this to increased blood supply to the scalp and positive changes in the immune system. I would add that hypnosis has eliminated the psychological component of hair loss. The power of self-persuasion is a great thing, - our expert is sure.
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    Prostatitis-inflammation of the prostate gland - is the most common urological disease in men aged 20 to 50 years. Previously, it was believed that prostatitis often occurs in old age. Today, prostatitis is the lot of the young. The main danger of prostatitis is that the disease can occur without symptoms for many years. Prostatitis detected in time is treated easily. And it is quite difficult to get rid of advanced prostatitis.
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    Recently, the number of patients with prostatitis has been steadily increasing. This is due to the fact that we spend most of our lives in a sitting position – at the computer, at the wheel of a car, at the TV screen. Stagnation of the prostate gland and blood in the veins of this organ make it more susceptible to infections, so the most "harmless" bacteria can cause inflammation.
    Drivers are in a special risk category. Constant vibration, shaking, prolonged driving-all these factors aggravate the situation. You should also know that heated seats in the cold season can also cause prostatitis. Studies of scientists have confirmed that warm seats lead to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. And spermatozoa from overheating become weak and sedentary. If the lower temperature of the human body is 36 degrees, then the normal temperature of the male sex glands should be even lower — 34-35. 5 degrees. So, if it's cold outside, you should first warm up the car, then turn off the seat heating and get behind the wheel.
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    A few words for cycling enthusiasts. The bicycle saddle exerts pressure on the perineum, where the posterior urethra and prostate are located. In the process of movement, these organs are involuntarily injured due to physical pressure. This is a direct path to prostate inflammation and the appearance of chronic prostatitis. What should I do? If you often ride a bicycle, choose a saddle that has a slot or recess. This relieves pressure on the prostate area. Also, in cold weather, the cyclist should wear insulated pants, and an elongated windbreaker (jacket) that covers the crotch area.

    Contributes to the development of prostatitis and alcohol abuse, overweight, irregular sex life, stress, frequent constipation, as well as sexual promiscuity. Prostatitis most often develops against the background of urogenital infections, such as ureaplasma, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections. A significant role in the development of prostatitis is played by chronic infections – chronic tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils) and caries.

    The main problem is that prostate inflammation can go unnoticed for many years, making itself known only occasionally by difficult urination in the morning and weak aching pains in the perineum, which after a while pass by themselves. And the man believes that everything has passed. However, this is not the case. Untreated prostatitis with a high probability after a certain time can cause prostate adenoma, prostate cancer.

    Urine flow is a good indicator of prostate problems. If once a strong flow of urine was reduced to a weak trickle , you should definitely visit a doctor. Less common symptoms include testicular pain, erection problems, pain when ejaculating, pain when urinating, and blood in the urine.

    The best prevention of prostatitis is a healthy lifestyle, the use of contraception during sexual contact (to avoid infections), as well as a relationship with one sexual partner, since frequent changes of sexual partners increases the risk of infection.
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